Need advice for Fly Fishing in Glacier National Park

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MN Blue Skies

Site Team
Feb 18, 2014
We are spending the next few days near the west entrance of Glacier National Park.  I'd appreciate suggestions for good fly fishing spots in permissible locations in Glacier NP.  Also suggestions on flies that have worked for you.  I understand that it depends on time of year, hatch, etc.  I will also check with a local fly shop for flies.  TIA 
I've never fished GNP, but I'm eager to read your fish reports (and view photos).

Sorry, I can't help with the flies, but this page finds countless fishing locations:

I read online that no fishing license is required in GNP.

Tom, LOL I'll gladly post snapshots of any fish I catch in GNP! 

You're right that a license is not required to fish in GNP however there are boo-coo rules regarding where you can fish, types of fish, limits, etc. that vary depending on where you are fishing.  I totally understand it has to with Tribal and Canadian agreements, fish populations, spawning, etc. but the regulations are complicated.

Our first stop tomorrow will be at the GNP visitor center to pickup a copy of the GNP fishing regulations.  The following day we will stop at a local fly shop.

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