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New member
Feb 9, 2013
So I'm in a coachmen 2002 travel trailer and I'm replacing the duo-therm relay control board for the rooftop ac to a dometic and I need help with the wiring because the wires for the old one is not the same as the new one and the rv place didn't give me any directions on how to do this. They just sold me the darn relay control and new thermostat please help. Can provide pics if needed thanks in advance!
Duo-therm is Dometic.  Check here for the installation manual for your A/C unit and thermostat.
I suggest you contact Dometic directly and see if they can supply the necessary installation information.  Is the control supposed to be a direct replacement for the original?  Are you replacing it because it failed?

Do you have the Dometic Comfort Control thermostat?  If so, there have been several versions of the Dometic Comfort Control thermostat, a 4 button, 5 button, and a 12 button.  Perhaps you were sold the control for the wrong thermostat.
Yes I'm replacing by of failure and the place I bought it from told me that the manufacture does not sell the type I have anymore and they sold me and upgrade kit and told me it would work but I can't seem to get it wired
You will have to contact Dometic to get the schematics for installing the adapter kit for the new control if the dealer won't get it for you.
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