Need recommendations for places to take our motorcoach for remodeling

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Elaine and Tim

New member
Jan 19, 2013

We want to have some modifications done to our motor coach. We found a place online "From Trees to These" which seems to do good work and at the RV show this week talked to a company  "Classic Coach Works" who also do work. I asked her to just estimate what a new L shaped couch would run and she said installed about 4500.00. After reading some of the posts here, I learned of another place that sells and installs - Bradd and Hall. The couch I want there is only 1870.00 so the estimate from Classic coach works seems so over priced. We would also like to buy a drawer style dishwasher and have some work done in the kitchen. Does anyone have experience using any of these vendors or know of vendors who do good quality work without gouging?

Elaine and Tim - newbies to full time RV life
I have generally found that the lowest price is not always the best deal.  Ask the higher priced people why their quote is so much more.  My guess is they will be doing more work, or they are planning on having to do more work to make it fit and look right.  While the low priced people are simply going to throw it in regardless of how it looks.
You don't say what make or model your coach is, but you may be surprised when you check around, especially at larger RV parks, there are local artisans that can handle your work.

Depending on the size of your entry doors, conventional furniture can brought in, and there is no real requirement (unless there is an RVIA stipulation I am not aware of) that says you cannot use stick and brick type accessories. In some cases, there is a weight consideration but that usually is easily managed unless you are at gross weight now. We are thousands of pounds under gross, even full timing, so that is not a consideration in our case.

We had a conventional king pillow top mattress installed in our new coach because the factory bedding was unacceptable. We are also replacing the lightweight and somewhat flimsy RV swivel lounge chairs with La-Z-Boy units that come apart and fit through the door easily.

On a previous coach, we had a local cabinet maker design some changes who had worked with other RV'ers and had good references. We have a number of friends who done something similar. It just takes a little planning and measuring.

If you are anywhere near a place where motorhomes are assembled, you will often find local craftsman available, i.e. Elkhart, IN, Red Bay, AL, central Oregon, southern Florida (because of all the snowbirds) etc.

There's always more than one way to skin a cat.
Bradd & Hall are an excellent source for replacement furniture.  I can recommend them without reservations.  We've had work done there several times.  They also contract with some Amish woodworkers for things outside their expertise, and the Amish are excellent craftsmen.

On the other end of the country, there is Elite Repair and Remodel in Harrisburg, OR, that do excellent work.
Thanks for all the suggestions and replies. They have all been helpful. Currently we are Florida for the next couple of months but since referrals for bradd and hall were positive we will visit them.

Elaine and Tim
2012 Fleetwood Discovery
Classic Coach Works is very expensive, but they are in a high rent region, so some of that is explainable. They did a large job for me and the final cost was staggering. The initial estimate was high enough, plus they insisted that some parts of the job had to be done on time & materials basis and they hit me hard on that too.  I had reasons for wanting to get the job done in that part of Florida and at that particular time, but would never go back there again. Far too much money for just average quality work.

Greg Mies at From Trees to These is in rural Indiana and can (and does) work much cheaper and has low overhead. Plus his work is an outstanding example of craftsmanship.  He has done cabinet remodeling for my own coach and I recommend him highly. 

If you just want a different sofa and don't need to move cabinets or otherwise restructure things, Bradd & Hall or most any RV furniture shop ought to be able to do the job for you.

There are other excellent shops around the country - what areas would be convenient for you?

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