Depending on how often you move, you really do not absolutely have to tow a vehicle with a motorhome. Yes, a lot of people will say if you full-time you have to have a toad, but I don't and I've been on the road 6 years.
The advantage of a motorhome without a toad is that if I want to go somewhere, I just turn on the engine, push a couple of buttons to put the slides in, unhook my electric and maybe water, and I can be off in less than five minutes. Hooking up and unhooking a towed vehicle would take longer, but if I stayed in one place for a while, it would be a convenience, and maybe that convenience would outweigh the bother of taking your motorhome with you wherever you go.
I leave stuff outside while I am gone, by the way, plus I have a sign that says I'll be right back. Never had anything stolen while I was gone, but I did have a guy run after me with my water hose thinking I had left it accidentally. He met me at the dump station completely out of breath. I also once had a very young maintenance guy think my "Be Right Back" sign, water hose, and a stool was trash. He had it in his golf cart when i caught him on the way to the trash dumpster! Asked him if he could read and chewed him out!!
So, the thing is at this point is that you will have to imagine how you will travel and weigh all the pros and cons of what you buy. I do agree that two big dogs in the back seat of a pickup truck will lose its charm after a while!