The easiest thing to grab right now would be the Hydro-Life system from CampingWorld. I definitely need the sediment and smell-odor filters. I'd like to do the 3 in tandem, at the very least: Large sediment, small sediment, charcoal. I think the RO system at Costco has a small holding tank that, I guess, holds water to overcome some of that slow flow problem. I read of another RO system that uses the fresh water tank to hold a supply. I'm used to really awful water pressure in RV parks. It's probably all the sediment in my pipes and hoses. I'm going to replace my curly blue water hoses with white ones. The has quite a large selection. I have a problem with the thick white hoses and storage, but I've started carrying them lashed to the bike rack on my back latter.
Is there agreement that carbon filters are not the dangerous bacteria collectors I've read in a few places. seems to be very much in favor of carbon.
I don't want to buy something sight unseen, because storage and portage are major issues. Fortunately my first month in Mesa I will be house sitting, so I'll have time to look around.