A friend once gave me this pithy advice on buying an RV:
1. Don't take the deal personally, cause the dealer surely does not. The coach you fall in

with is just a "unit" to him, no different than any other. If he gets the price he needs on the coach, he'll sell it to you. If he doesn't he won't -- no matter how much you beg, cry or scream.
2. The dealer and his salesman are not your friends, no matter how nice to you they are. They will try to get every penny they can for the RV -- that's their job. So don't assume their first rock bottom offer is the best they can do -- it almost always never is, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY! And don't be personally insulted they wanted that much money for the coach. Once in awhile they actually get it. Just don't let them get it from you.
3. Don't worry about ticking them off or insulting them with a low offer -- see #1. They will sell you the coach -- if you can agree on a price -- no matter how ridiculous your first offer is. The only thing you might lose with a really low first offer is some credibility that you are really interested in the coach or can afford it.
4. Don't get caught up in any head games they may try to play on you. Especially don't believe the "This offer is only good for today" line. Tell em you'll call em tomorrow. After you have looked at the competition and got some other quotes.
5. Your only job is to get the coach as cheaply as you can. Their job is to get as much as they can for each coach they sell. You don't need to take your salesman out to dinner or buy him chocolates. If you buy a coach, he's gonna be really happy!
6. You don't need to worry about whether the dealer is making any money on the deal. That's HIS problem. If he asks you how much you think he should make on the deal, tell him you don't care if he doesn't make a nickel. You just want the coach as cheap as you can get it.