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Jun 25, 2012
  My wife and I didn't do this the traditional way starting with a tent to a pop up to a 18' TT to a 26' TT etc etc...  we bought a used 2010 Cougar 29BH 2 years ago.  Well, we decided to upgrade, so we purchased a new 2013 avalanche 341tg.  Love the new graphics!  I am having an outside shower box installed between the 2 entrance doors, because I like having my 8' water hose near the outdoor kitchen, it comes in handy to wash dirty pans etc... 
  The camper does have a generator prep and now I have to decide what to do.  Here are some of my thoughts but, since I am new to this I may be in right field.  I know I need a minimum of an Onan 5500 to run both AC units. My first decision is go with LP or gas?  Does anyone have any input on this, like gen set run time on a gallon of liquid propane as compared to gas?  One concern is getting a tank filled when it is empty, way easier to go to a gas station then find a place that fills propane tanks.  I could use 20# tanks and just exchange tanks which is easy to find but, cost more.  I kinda feel that maybe I shouldn't have ordered the generator prep package.  We normally only need to run on generator about 1/3 of our trips but, now I will have to haul a 279 pound Onan gen set every time vise just hooking up to say a Yami 6300 portable and only taking it when needed.
  My next dilemma is my outside speaker.  They are installed in a location that puts them in the wall inside instead of behind a cabinet or microwave etc...  My last camper they were located behind the fridge and microwave.  I want to install new larger better sounding speakers but the magnets are generally larger which increase the speaker depth, so they will not fit in the walls.  I could build some boxes for inside to hide them but, am unsure about how that will look.  Does anyone know of a quality marine speaker that is thin enough to fit in the walls?
  That is it for now.  I am glad I found this site because now I know what to look for and inspect once we take delivery in the spring. 


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I forgot to mention.  For those that don't know, B&W has come out with a new slider hitch that will be available in January.  I plan to have this installed in my truck (F250 6.7 diesel).  NOT LOOKING to start a discussion of my truck... we all know how that will turn out...2 opinions yes and no!  LOL    I do feel I will need air suspension or something installed on my truck we shall see.  My dealer doesn't like the airbag system, they say they always leak and snow, ice etc... hooks lines and breaks them?
An LP generator consumes about 25% more fuel than a gas generator for the same amount of power.  At a typical 50% load on a 5500 watt Onan generator, fuel consumption will be 0.6 gal/hr on gasoline but 0.8 gal/hr on propane (per the Onan spec sheet).

Propane is generally easier to carry and store in a trailer, since it doesn't have an integrated gasoline tank already. Propane is more portable because  the containers are safer and designed for portability.  But if you are adding a permanent fixed tank anyway, gas has better energy density and is easier to refill.

You don't need to build in a generator just because you have the prep package. Why not modify the prep package power connections to include a receptacle to plug in a portable?
How much wall depth do you have? I see nice marine speakers with depths in the 2.75" range, but those are surface mount. Are your existing speakers enclosed or surface?
  Thanks for the reply Gary.  That is a good idea to just wire the prep package for a generator connection.  I would prefer to go with the portable Yami 6300 and I can still get it in LP. I just prefer not to carry that weight if it's not needed.  Plus if I mount the onan it takes away storage space.
  The speakers are surface mount on the outside of the trailer.  I had these in my last trailer  they are 2 7/8" deep and I had to shim my microwave out 1/2".  There are a lot of good options on that site...kickers. pioneer etc... should be able to find something!  I'm not sure how thick the walls are.  I will have to check???
  I have heard these in a trailer before and they sound GREAT!  If they fit I am going with these!  We camp at a lot of music festival and motorcycle races.  Normally go with atleast 2-5 others and form a huge compound with our trailers... I don't know about having the best speakers because then yours get used.  This is a problem when you want to go to bed and others stay up!  LOL

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