New Aussie drive along songs

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Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Adelaide, South Australia
Seeing as the Framily have such talented singers here, Tom and others, I thought you might like to hear a snippet of a new song by one of our great country artists. John Williamson has been around the scene for many years and really has a feel for our way of life.
He has just completed a theme song for the Caravan, RV & Accommodation Industry of Australia and you can hear a snippet here (seems to only work if you are looking at the site with Internet Explorer)
If you're not running IE then this link will get you the MP3 version.

Sounds like a great album for listening as the miles roll under your wheels, and it comes with a songbook so you can all join in. Maybe something Tom can practise ready for the next rally? <G,D&RVF from Tom>

UPDATE: Further down this thread are many more links to songs by John Williamson.
Ian said:
seems to only work if you are looking at the site with Internet Explorer

Well that excludes me; I don't/won't use IE.

I did try poking around both sites, but the only option was to buy the CD, no preview.
Tom said:
Well that excludes me; I don't/won't use IE.

I did try poking around both sites, but the only option was to buy the CD, no preview.


I first tried Firefox with no luck and then IE. With IE the music started automatically.
Jeff  looks like those PCs are doing the job again.  At least the Windows are. 
Shayne said:
Jeff  looks like those PCs are doing the job again.  At least the Windows are. 

Not so Shayne. This Windows PC doesn't hear the song unless I fire up Internet Explorer. Although I run a Windows machine and I'm stuck with the Windows OS, I try hard to avoid further lining Bill Gates' coffers by buying software that is guaranteed to have bugs and be a target for the bad guys.
XP came on this computer when I got it. Never changed anything.  Anit Virus that Son in Law installed has been very good to me.  But then I don't open things I'm not aware of nor do I subscribe to things on the net  Nor buy on the net. Maybe that's why I don't know all the stuff about computers.  But then I'm a 1st grader compared to you guys.  Went 65 years without one  and only been at it 6 yrs.  Sure glad I did tho, cause of all the great people in the Framly that we've met, in person and on the net.
If you are having trouble getting to the music here are some links for you, these have been tried in Firefox and work. This usually plays in Quicktime.

John Williamson's home page
Try this album, it might be relevant to some on this forum... OLD FARTS IN CARAVAN PARKS
"Old Farts in Caravan Parks" seems to have touched a nerve with people of all ages whether they be caravaners themselves or family of caravaners. The most common comment from people after hearing the song??"I know someone exactly like that".
The CD is fantastic for all those people on the road - with lots of laughs!!
Listen to this track if you have Real Audio

Tom said:
Well that excludes me; I don't/won't use IE.
Agree completely with you, hate the thing. Equally I hate garbage sites that are only programmed to work in IE. It is just so silly to exclude your audience to less than 90% of the market. Too silly.
I did try poking around both sites, but the only option was to buy the CD, no preview.
Try this link, all of these songs have a sample that plays through Real Audio. This certainly works in Firefox, I just played all links to prove it for myself.

Also try this link for a sampling of 20 of his favourite songs. In Australia this guy is a Living Legend so I hope you enjoy his music.

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