New from Langley, BC

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New member
May 19, 2012
Good day all!

I ve been lurking for a few months, and I finally have the time/courage to post up and introduce myself.
My wife and I bought a 2013 Cougar 28RBHS this past summer.  This is a totally new experience for us. It took me three years to rationalize this purchase with my wife.
The story is i travel every week for work mostly via plane. I spent far too much time in hotels and I just cant do it anymore. Flying to say Maui and staying in a hotel may sound exciting to most, but for me, I just couldn't handle it anymore.

So my wife bought into my story and we agreed to try rving for a few years. We managed to only get out 6 times since July but we loved every moment of it. My challenge is taking time off from work which i vowed to do more off when our first baby arrives April 2nd.

So we are not pot committed to the RVing.

Any words of wisdom for me as an rv'er or new father?

A belated welcome Corey.

I spent far too much time in hotels and I just cant do it anymore

That sounds like a familiar story. A number of us traveled extensively for a living, some of us internationally.
Welcome aboard neighbour. I too have had enough of hotel rooms and restaurant meals. We park our trailer when we want and have our own bed and a good home cooked meal. The one thing we never found at Best Western is the camaraderie among rv'ers, we have met great people who share our passion.
Hearty Welcome. I feels your pain on the Hotels. They drive some folks crazy no doubt.  The sheets and pillows always smell funny and on some of the no tell places the heat thing cycles on and off just enough to rouse a light sleeper like us and make them start fumbling for the Sig so to speak. Thinking all will like RV'ing mo betta. Just guessing. Now the trailer we had apparently had the urea in the walls and it feel like the po pos been shooting tear gas in your eyes and stuff like that. Now my pal..the RV guru.. say the all have that. We had a cheap one. Nomad. Are they all like that? Thanks.
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