New Full Timer- it's been interesting..

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Jul 1, 2012
New Orleans, LA
Bought my RV in June for weekend use.. Hurricane Isaac happened and I decided to FullTime 5 years early!! It's been interesting but I love it. I live a thousand feet away from my job on the Navy base. I just moved out of my 3 bedroom house and my teenage daughter and I are making it work. Its been tough tho.. Smaller space, less room, but more money. I hopeit gets easier..any advice? I'm a 39 yr old single mom..
Thanks for your sacrifice and service.  Will it get easier?  Depends on if you want to make it easier.  There are quite a few families full timing either due to financial circumstances or desire to give their kids an education that no school can supply.  Since you are probably going to be in one spot for a while enjoy and learn is my best advise.  Hope you finish your time soon and take to the road with your daughter to see what a wonderful place you have been serving.
We're pretty new ourselves, though in a bigger rig.  I believe in focusing on contentment.  You are being a good steward of your situation, and can just decide to make the most of what you have.  There's always someone with more stuff, something bigger, something newer, but if what you have is enough, you can be content with it.  Stay focused on being content and proud of making the most of life would be my 2 cents worth.  Blessings on you!
My advice is to do whatever you can to make things easier and more enjoyable. Like adding satellite TV if you like it, adding WiFi if you like it, and maybe a screen room for outside enjoyment. 

Buy a BBQ, a fire pit, and some comfortable outside seating.  Outside lights also create a nice atmosphere.  Bottom line is make it a comfortable, fun, and inviting place to come home to. 
Thank you for your service!

Keep at it, As you get used to it,it will get easier. It is a huge adjustment but can be well worth while. Save up your leave and do a Full 30 day trip. Have your daughter get involved in the planning and have her research the areas you guys want to go to. She may well find some super cool things to see and do!

It does get easier! 

I have been living in a Class C for 3 years now and I love it! I sometimes have a friend move in for 1-5 weeks at a time, and we still have room for their clothes and piano plus I have a crazy dog that loves traveling too. 

I would suggest you try taking weekend trips when you are off duty.  Then you can enjoy the fun factor!  You don't need to worry about towing your car, just get used to driving the Class C and having fun traveling and camping somewhere else. Staying at least 2 or more nights helps a lot while you get used to setting up and breaking down to travel again. I don't even own a car!  I just stop to shop with my Class C and when I am parked for a few months, I just take the RV out every week or so to go shopping and site seeing. So if you are coming back to the base anyhow, then no need to worry about towing the car for trips. This really puts the fun in RVing!

The really nice thing is that now you have the opportunity to seriously pack away some cash instead of frittering it away on useless stuff.  Pack half the stuff and twice the cash!

I keep rearranging my storage until I have things organized with room for the things I want and tossing out the things that aren't worth the space. I keep my  wardrobe scaled back to only fit in the closet and drawers provided, with nothing extra to take up too much room.  I even installed a compact clothes washer in my rig and love it!

I travel with an outdoor den and dining area which is a 9x12 mat, a folding card table, 5 assorted chairs and now a bicycle too. I mention 5 assorted chairs because then you have choices, don't get matching chairs! 

I have a high backed recliner, a comfy directors chair for typing outside, a camp chair for relaxing by the fire, a beach type chair that is very lightweight and an armless camp chair which mostly the dog has claimed as his own.  He loves to sit around the fire or the table in his own chair, which is often overflowing with his blankie and toys. Yes, he puts his toys in his chair like its his toy box or possibly to alert me that this is his chair.

I like people and having the extra chairs means I am more likely to have company stop by and visit. I also like to cook and have hosted small parties or pot luck meals outside.  Most campgrounds come with a big picnic table too. I have table cloths for the card table and the picnic table. I also travel with a 9 foot patio umbrella and a picnic table clamp. I am able to hook the big umbrella over the picnic table to expand my shady room.

I have set up my compact sewing machine outside and turned the picnic table into an open air  sewing room for projects. I am always fixing something and having both tables outside gives me plenty of room for my next project.  Mostly I work on my laptop and dine outside.

By spending most of my time outside (weather permitting) then my little old RV feels very spacious because I am not in it all day and night. Santa Claus brought me a bicycle, so now I can relearn to bike ride (and boy do my thighs ever hurt!)

Tomorrow I pack up and travel again. I am so excited!  I already made my own bike rack so this will be a test for my new toy. I wasn't planning on a bicycle too, but Santa Claus seemed to think it would help improve my medical situation and I might as well give it my best shot.
First and foremost, THANK YOU for your service!  God bless!!  Enjoy the RV with your daughter, I certainly wish our son embraced the lifestyle as we have.  He does spend some vacations with us, but doesn't seem to enjoy the simplicity of RV living.  We got on the road this past spring and haven't looked back!  The smaller space is liberating and we continue to purge every few months as things surface that we haven't used and probably won't.  Clothing has been the biggest thing to scale back on and actually the easiest! 

Agree with others sentiments, take it out and enjoy! :) 

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