New fulltimers

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013
It is hard to believe it has been eught months already. We left Denver CO on June 9th. Before that, we had dreamed and planned for years. We are both drawing social security and have no other income. I joined the Moose and VFW before we left, and we have parked with them many times. All have been a pleasant experience. We have stayed at casinos, national forests, BLM land, and some state and local parks. Our average cost for overnight camping has been under $4. We have not stayed in a Wal-mart lot yet, but someday we may have to. We have a mobile hotspot for out internet access, which we use a lot in planniing our next stop (place to stay, things to do, information about the area). We also use libraries, McDonald's, and other free wifi spots.

I installed 4 150 watt solar panels, a charger, 4 6 volt batteries and an inverter to our 35 ft. Montana fifth wheel before we left. We can use the microwave and coffee pot while dry camped, which is very nice. We also use a Tailgater satellite antenna for TV. To keep our fuel costs down, we usually go under 200 miles and then stay for 3 to 5 days exploring the area, or just being retired.

We started with Glacier NP. We had not seen it. We spent 3 weeks around Butte MT looking at old buildings and ghost towns. We came across Idaho, into Washington, Oregon and California. The coast line in all three states is so beautiful.  We got as far south as Simi Valley when, due to a family emegency, we made a mad dash to Illinois. We spent Thanksgiving with some of the nicest people i have ever met at the Moose Lodge in St. Charles Il. We headed south the 16th of December and spent Christmas with my sister in Mew Mexico, for the first time in 20 years. Since then, we have been staying in southern New Mexico state parks and will keep doing that until the first of May. We will then go back to Denver, see the kids and friends. On May 19th, we report to Steamboat Lake State Park in Colorado for a summer of volunteer camp hosting. 

I had very high hopes for this lifestyle and all my expectations have been exceeded. I am an avid amateur photographer and have shot over 8000 pictures since we started. (and thankful that digital is so cheap.) If anyone that is hesitant about going full-time reads this, I can tell you that is is doable. And, I do not think you will ever regret it.


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Welcome to the Forum!

After eight months, you seemed to have earned your stripes and are wearing them well. Your planning and attention to detail are obviously paying great dividends.

Congratulations on the kinds of success all of us full timers like to hear. Here's to continued success!

Glad you are having a blast! Your experiences of fulltiming on a fixed income will be an inspiration to some people wondering if it can be done. Please keep up the posts!

Halfwright, this is the best, most informative post I've read to date.....where it addresses some of our things.

We just bought a new truck and 5th wheel about six months ago and we both retire in five years.  While I'll only have social security and a small IRA, the wife is a state worker and will have full retirement and medical (for life) for both of us.  When we retire we should have the 5er paid off and still a couple of years left on the truck.

We have to get the solar and inverter set up and will do that before we hit the road for good.  I've already converted all of our lighting to LED.....a pricey little project, but it's done!  Wouldn't think a small little 5th wheel could have so many lights.  We also have the Honda 2000i generator along with the companion so we can run the A/C if and when we need to.

Just really great to read your post and see that it can be done just on social security alone and we'll have a bit more so definately should be do-able for us.  Thanks for posting and boosting the confidence level!

JC & Terrie
Welcome folks.....Sounds like you are enjoying the FT lifestyle as much as we are. We hit the road 6-1-11 and have enjoyed every day. Good luck.
Glad you're having so much fun! We're on our 20th year and no planning on quitting anytime soon. Love this lifestyle!
Appreciate your post, halfwright. I'm shopping for my unit now and hope to be on the road by the end of August. The house goes on the market next month and that will be my travel fund until I can collect SS in three years. For now, I plan a slow journey along the country's old U.S. Highways. Reading of your success is helpful!
Thanks for the post very uplifting. I am planning on full timming on one ss income due to medical issues. For me my choice was struggle to live in the city having winters make me sick. Travel in a 5th wheel and scrap by as well. I am chosing the 5th wheel and some freedom from my illness. So your story has inspired me that i can do it
By the way Halfwright....I forgot to mention that you may want to give the Elks Lodge a look see.  They have many, many lodges across the U.S. that have RV facilities at very affordable rates (I believe their from $8 to $20 a night full hook ups).  Many also have restrooms and laundry facilities right out there by the RV area and lunch, dinner and the lounge just a few feet out your door. 

I did look at the Elks. But, as a poor country boy. I was not comfortable. The have super nice facilities, but I do not think I would fit in. The Moose, on the other hand, have been some of the nicest people on earth. If you thought LED's were pricey, wait until youstart buying solar panels and inverters. You can get a 30% tax break on a system, but this advice is only worth what you paid for it.


I am glad that my post helped some people in some way. My wife and I have as much fun in our travels as we can. We do not eat out much and fuel is our greatest expense. Seeing this great country is what it is all about, and I will do it until they shovel dirt in my face.
This info is great!  We will be fulltiming on little more than SS too and have worried about how doable it is.  So nice to read about others who have done it.  Like the idea of Moose and/or Elks.  How does one go about joining...seems you need a sponser and we don't know anyone who is a member?

I would start by going to a local lodge and talking to someone there. It is not hard to get a sponsor as most fraternal organizations are hurting for members. It seems the younger people are not joining as much as they used to.
Thanks!  We will do that...although we won't be lowering their average membership age ;)  Also looking into VFW as Jack is a Viet Nam Vet.  We will look forward to more of your posts!  Have you thought about blogging to chronicle your adventures?  I'd read it.
Hello again, glad you found your way here...I left you a PM on the 4/3 forum answering your questions....

Good group here, you will enjoy the read, very active much like our old forum...hope this one stays alive...

Check out the photography section, fun read there as well.

Welcome aboard Jim

We have been "fulltimers" since 2009. Have been National Park hosts at Padre Island, gate guards in south Texas, volunteered all around the country at airshows, teach workshops on how to build aircraft for the EAA, and work in my retirement play pen (30 X 40 shop on the daughter's place) building electric autos. You can fulltime on SS with small supplements.

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