New garage style for motor homes

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2009
Doesn't this look like a good idea?


  • Motor home garage.jpg
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That one has been posted several times over the last couple of years. Another one to look at is forum members Terry & Lilliane Nathan's Euro coach with integral garage.
Yea, I remember it too... talk about a Toy Hauler !!!
Does anyone know if that pic is real vs. photoshopped?  It looks to me like if a lift actually pulled the SL in and raised it up enough to provide sufficienct ground clearance, it would stick at least two feet up into what would normally be the floor of the coach.
Here's another.  I like this one and imagining how many bunks must be in it. 


  • Motor home with bunks.jpg
    Motor home with bunks.jpg
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Maybe not photoshopped, but I doubt that car fits in the garage. It's probably just there for the trade show.  Notice the car barely clears the edge of the bay opening, and that's with the coach raised enough to pull the front wheels off the ground.

I've seen pictures of a similar arrangement, except the car in the garage was a low slung two seat convertible.

Or maybe the top of the garage rises with the lift, leaving a large dog-house in the middle of the rig when the car is in the garage.
Lou Schneider said:
Notice the car barely clears the edge of the bay opening, and that's with the coach raised enough to pull the front wheels off the ground.

Yep.  That's exactly what caused me to ask the question.  If it is real, it seems like a solution to a problem you never really knew you had, i.e, "How do I get my toad in my storage bays?" ;)  And one where the solution is substantially more inconvenient than the problem.
...imagining how many bunks must be in it.

We've seen that bus, or one like it, and talked with the driver and occupants. The group I talked with were visitors from Germany. I posted somewhere the number of 'bunks', but IIRC it was 39. While traveling, folks sit in normal bus seats in the front half. When stopped, the driver opens up the basement on one side of the bus and does all the cooking.


  • tour bus.jpg
    tour bus.jpg
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We've seen several of the red buses at places like national parks in Utah.  Each one had German tourists.  It's probably a good way for them to see the U.S. southwest without doing the driving or renting.

The idea of a garage/RV is not new.  Back around 2005 (or earlier), Travel Supreme had a mid-engine model with a garage.  See photo at

Definitely not a Photoshop job. Check out this web site slide show:


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...I'll assume that there must be one or two "bus nuts" out there. Maybe you missed Cyclops from the 1976 film The Big Bus. Here's a link to the original movie trailer.
Saw the red bus with German tourist years ago going to Yellowstone. See it set up looks like a mobile morgue with the beds pulled out!!
I saw a bus several years ago that had a belly garage. The car was one of the tiny original Hondas with the top cut off and folding windshield. I think it had a rag top. Garaged by rolling it straight into the stationary compartment. Pretty cool setup.

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