New Itasca Sunstar Headlight Failure

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Jan 7, 2013
My buddy has a new 2013 Itasca Sunstar 35F. The other day they were leaving NY for Florida they noticed both their headlights were out. They replaced both bulbs and all was well so they left. Has anyone heard of something like this. Both bulbs failing on a unit that is only a few months old seems odd. I just purchased a 2013 Winnebago Vista 30T and I am concerned.
Hi Bill - welcome!

That's pretty weird, first report I've ever heard of even one headlight burning out much less two.  Ironically in my little Japanese mini-truck I use on the ranch one headlight recently burnt out and then a week later the other one went.  Go figure.
I would check alternator output of the chassis with an accurate DVM. If voltage a little high can cause quick headlamp failure. Bad vibration  either from road or loose mounting might hasten their failure as well.
Good Luck
yoda2405 said:
I would check alternator output of the chassis with an accurate DVM. If voltage a little high can cause quick headlamp failure. Bad vibration  either from road or loose mounting might hasten their failure as well.
Good Luck
I can imagine a senario where if the voltage was high and one bulb failed, the loss of load could let the voltage go even higher and take out the 2nd bulb.  I agree with yoda2405, better have the dealer check out the charging system.
False alarm folks. Seems it was only one headlight that failed. When he later washed the rig he found the headlight housing loose so the vibration probably caused the lamp failure.

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