New Member- Happy Trails Resort lot decision time

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New member
Dec 1, 2012
Just found this forum last night while searching Happy Trails Resort.  Several forum members appear to use the resort often.  I am AF retired and a long time RVer.  Bought East facing lot #511 in '92.  Have rented it more often than to use it personally. April 7th will be the last occupancy by my long term renter because of advancing age. (80)  I am trying to decide if there is continuing rental interest or whether I need to put the lot on the market.  511 is one of only two lots in original condition.  Bare gravel lot with pad and hook-ups.  I have tried to stay below market: $495/mo + elec. and deposit of $300.  It was a good buy and I am incline to keep it if there is continuing interest.  Any inputs?
Let me welcome you on board, I know someone will reply soon.
A lot of very knowledgeable members.

Just Don 8)
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