New member -- How do you pop hood on 82 Chevy Coachmen?

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New member
Dec 12, 2012

Owned an RV when I was young--it was a Dodge.

Just got an 82 Chevy Coachmen (24'). Can't figure out how to pop the front hood. Anybody no where the lever is?

It's technically a G30 Chevy Van. 350, v8, 5.7 liters.

I see a couple of strange, identical knob things on both the driver side and passenger side, but they don't seem to do anything. Definitely don't see a typical hood release lever. I'm able to get into the cab cover to change the oil okay, but when I went to look for the dipstick I couldn't find it and realized it must only be accessible via the hood. So now I've got to add the right amount of oil somewhat blind until I can get the hood popped.

Thanks in advance if you have any tips!
Okay thanks. I figured it out. Upon your suggestion I took a good look for a knob--definitely no knob under there... so I figured it must have been removed and j-rigged. Was then able to pop the hood with the grill lever alone (and a little determination).
I don't think it was jury-riggecd. On our 86 Coachman Chevy, there was no in-cab hood lever. You went to the front of the motorhome, outside, reached into the grill and pulled a lever that was in there.


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