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Bob Cardoza

New member
Mar 25, 2006
:) :)Hello everyone:? My wife, Joyce & I began full timeing 3 weeks ago.? ?We were fortunate to have been parked next to Tom at the FMCA Rally in Pomona.

Our home base is Atwater, Ca..? It is located 60 miles N. of Fresno.? Our family has been in the bowling business since 1960 and we have recently retired and turned the business over to the capable hands of our 2 sons Jim and Tommy.? ?We are looking forward to our life on the road, meeting members of this forum and seeing this great country of ours.
Hi Bob and Joyce,

Welcome to our forum. I'm so glad you decided to check us out. You sure have a nice Camelot, but then I'm biased  ;D

If I'd realized sooner that you were previously in the bowling business I would have introduced you to our friends who were in that business until a few years ago. They were at the rally, but parked in a different area.
Hi Bob and Joyce,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions, ask questions, or start new discussions.  Glad you found us.
Hi Bob:

Sorry we all didn't get a chance to meet you at Pomona, this is a great framily to get to know.
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