New mh experience

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Dec 9, 2012
Fort Worth, Tx
Brand new Class A owner.  Have had TT and pop ups, and many miles on horse trailers.  This 36' Itasca is a whole new adventure.
Welcome to the forum. We bought our 1st coach earlier this year and are having the time of our lives!  We've gained so much from reading threads on the forum and have avoided some problems through info gained from those 'who've gone before us.' Keep reading and then share you adventures here with us...that way we all learn together.
Hey thanks for the Class A report. I have drove a few and it made me feel like a Greyhound Bus Driver. Is that part of the thrill? I did not like it.
UncleShiloh said:
Hey thanks for the Class A report. I have drove a few and it made me feel like a Greyhound Bus Driver. Is that part of the thrill? I did not like it.

it's like physical therapy. push through the pain/intimidation of driving the big rig and you'll get good at it. also it's better to be nervous and focused than cocky and careless when learning about driving big stuff.

class a cdl for nearly 30 years. have taught a few people how to drive semi's. the new to me 34' bounder is unlike anything i have ever driven, i've never driven a coe tractor so i'm figure it's the driving position and the huge overhang with a relatively short wheelbase. my butt is somewhere to the left front of the left front tire, thats about where the fuel tank or steps into the cab would be. i have to pay attention to staying out of the gutter and i'm constantly scanning what my rear end is about to swing into. :)
Congrats on the Meridian, hope you enjoy it as much as we have all of ours.
We are considering a Jeep Grand Cherokee as a toad. We like the idea of a exploring vehicle after docking the MH. I am concerned that the weight might be a factor in mpg.  The Meridian is rated for 10k tow, the Jeep is rated at 6500.  Is this too much for a 340 hp diesel?
we tow a 4500# Ford Explorer with less HP. Been doing it for a while and no problems.
Probably is going to depend on the total weight of DP and tow, since one of the old saws is 100 lbs per horsepower, i.e. 34,000 pounds total to 340hp and where you want to drag all that gear.

Out west, in the mountains, I think you may find yourself right at the limit, on flat ground, probably not so much.

We pulled 32,000 pounds total with 300hp ( in a 2006 Fleetwood Expedition and Honda Accord) in the west for two years and could pull the hills, but not fast.

Now, I am under 35,000 pounds with 450hp and the difference is night and day. And I get almost 2 mpg better fuel mileage!

So there's plenty of factors with weight, where you go, and how much fuel you want to burn. Everything has a tradeoff.  8)
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