Probably is going to depend on the total weight of DP and tow, since one of the old saws is 100 lbs per horsepower, i.e. 34,000 pounds total to 340hp and where you want to drag all that gear.
Out west, in the mountains, I think you may find yourself right at the limit, on flat ground, probably not so much.
We pulled 32,000 pounds total with 300hp ( in a 2006 Fleetwood Expedition and Honda Accord) in the west for two years and could pull the hills, but not fast.
Now, I am under 35,000 pounds with 450hp and the difference is night and day. And I get almost 2 mpg better fuel mileage!
So there's plenty of factors with weight, where you go, and how much fuel you want to burn. Everything has a tradeoff. 8)