New owner of Springdale 2025 1750RD

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Well finally got the camper trailer out today for a long awaited trip. As I suspected I needed to use some wooden ramps I made just in case to bridge the V dip in my uphill driveway. Way too close for comfort! Gonna look into the axle flip cost or maybe attempt it by myself.
Well finally got the camper trailer out today for a long awaited trip. As I suspected I needed to use some wooden ramps I made just in case to bridge the V dip in my uphill driveway. Way too close for comfort! Gonna look into the axle flip cost or maybe attempt it by myself.
Close doesn't count. If the rear end is clearing why do you need to "flip" the axle? Otherwise, your axle really stays the same, keeping the camber but mounting the leaf springs on top. It's only a matter of jacking the trailer up, cribbing the frame, and repositioning the leaf springs. But as Gary pointed out you're raising the center of gravity, so I'd leave it alone unless there's no other way.
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RV would have not made it out my driveway without the ramps I made to bridge the V dip. Both ends would have dragged, by the lift plate in the front at the steel safety plates in the rear. Sorry if I explained my issue incorrectly. I definitely can use the extra 3" and understand the center of gravity issue.
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You would be better off to just make a little bit taller ramps and leave the axle where it was designed to be. Remember that when you change the axle location you will change the towing configuration for all travel in order to overcome just one spot. I used ramps to bridge a low spot on our driveway for the entire 9 years that we had one RV and never had a problem. After a few times it just became routine.
Has anyone here owned one of these and moved the springs like the OP wants to do? I know I'm not fond of dragging any type of trailer around and will find ways to keep from doing it. I'm happy mine has clearance but if it didn't I would raise it up.

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