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New member
Oct 28, 2012
Hi, I recently purchased a 2002 Winnebago Rialta and hope to take some short trips soon.  There are some things that I need to do to get it safe to take out.  On the way home from purchasing it the check engine light came on.  Has anyone had this happen and could you share with me what the problem is?  It is hard to find someone in my area to work on a Volkswagen engine and I really don't know where to begin.
Check Engine lights can point to a variety of potential issues.  The only way to know for sure what it means is to have the computer scanned for trouble codes that caused the light to come on.  Depending on the type of computer connection for those VW engines, you may be able to have the scan done for free at Advance Auto, Auto Zone, or a similar parts store in your area.  Call ahead and they should be able to tell you.
Wow, congrats! I'm so excited just thinking about getting one. I am just starting to look around and try to figure out what I want. What size is yours? And how often will you be using it? Going on any long distance trips? I want to live in mine full-time once I sell my house in a couple of years.

I have a friend who just bought a Rialta. He did tons of research (like he does on everything before he buys) and he decided the Rialta was the best RV to purchase. I haven't seen his yet but I'm planning on taking a look at it.

Got photos? And I hope it all works out with the engine light!
Thanks for the info on Check engine light.  I will be having that checked soon.  Also, Thanks for the well wishes, I am so looking foward to the freedom this will allow me to have.  I think the Rialta is the perfect small motorhome to have for many reasons, the best being the gas mileage that you get with the VW v6 engine.  Somewhere between 17 to 22 MPG.  The ease of driving and parking are some of the things that I was looking for and also not having to tow a vehicle.  I have not been able to download photo's for some reason but hopefully will be able to figure it out.
surferjoan said:
many reasons, the best being the gas mileage that you get with the VW v6 engine.  Somewhere between 17 to 22 MPG.

Make sure you check with some actual Rialta owners (maybe you have) to see how the mpg figures come out in real life.  Maybe 17-22 is realistic, but RV fuel economy often ends up being much lower than advertised.  It's not a deal breaker either way for enjoying the RV lifestyle, but at least you'll have a realistic idea of what to expect for fuel economy.

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