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Sep 30, 2005
Hello.  We are currently in search of a Class A Diesel.  We have been looking for a few months and we have been all over the place with what we are going to get.  We think we have it narrowed down now.  We test drove a Fleetwood Excursion and then test drove a Beaver Santiam.  We quickly crossed off the Excursion.  The Beaver drove like a dream compared to the Excursion.  We are test driving a County Coach Inspire on Sunday.  The Beaver is nice and priced right, but not everything we are looking for in the floorplan and appearance.  We saw the CC and the appearance and floor plan were everything we're looking for.  Do you think it's worth the step up in price?  We hear CC has a really good name in the industry.  We are anxious to see how the test drive fairs.  Any comments or suggestions for us?
Welcome to the RV Forum.

Personally I would not consider any coach that does not have Independent Front Suspension (IFS)  Country Coach has a good reputation but if you are in that price range I would suggest you look at Newmar and American Coach.  I highly recommend you take your time and not jump into the first coach you think you like.  Look at several and com[pare.  Like I said I don't recommend any coach without IFS.
Thank you for the advice, Ron.  This is exactly what we need.  I will now go back to the drawing board! ;D
Ron,  I show on the specs for the CC Inspire 360 that the front is IFS and the rear is Holland/Neway drive axle suspension system.  Am I missing something or is there something else I should be paying attention to?

The Country Coach does have independent front suspension, and according to my friends it drives very well (I have never driven one). I agree with Ron's comment to get IFS if possible.  I moved from a solid front axle to a coach with IFS and it made a very big difference in the handling. Another very nice driving coach is the Foretravel. Good luck with your search, and check out all of the possibilities before you jump.
jeaniney said:
? We saw the CC and the appearance and floor plan were everything we're looking for.? Do you think it's worth the step up in price?? We hear CC has a really good name in the industry.? We are anxious to see how the test drive fairs.? Any comments or suggestions for us?

We have a Country Coach and? really like it. It is in fact our second CC.? We have appreciated the things the company has done for us over the years with regard to service and ongoing warranty? issues.? CC is selling a lot of the Inspire's.? We were at a recent rally and? the Inspire owners all seemed? happy campers. (Note however that all rigs will likely have a "to do" list of things to fix)? ?When you visit the factory you see the differences between rigs that causes such a difference in price but does not show up on a casual look at the rig.? Your test drive should give you a good feel.? ?Isn't the decision making fun?

jeaniney said:
Ron,? I show on the specs for the CC Inspire 360 that the front is IFS and the rear is Holland/Neway drive axle suspension system.? Am I missing something or is there something else I should be paying attention to?

I thought the CC had IFS.  I would still recommend looking at several coaches before making your decision.  I don't think it would make a happy camper to buy the first coach you like before checking out others and then find that perfect coach that you wish you had bought.
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