I suspect you're right to be apprehensive. You're homeless, 7 people living in a hotel room. You're $1700.00 in on a 2700.00 travel trailer with some flooring issues. In all liklihood the owner isn't going to refund what you've already invested or at best only a partial refund. If as you say it's a lot of trailer to move, which is true, it's also true there will be 7 people sharing a 1 bedroom, 1 bath trailer.
What would concern me is 7 people will be living in a travel trailer in Delaware or whereever with a 6 gallon water heater which hopefully works, is the furnace in good working order? What about the a/c? Refrigerator? Does the roof leak? If it has grey and black tanks, which is likely, with 5 kids and two adults you're going to be dumping the grey probably twice daily and the black probably once a day. Those two 15 lb propane bottles on the front are going to go fast with that many people on board, so you should plan on having extras on stby. ( It's much cheaper to have them filled than swapping).