New to FORUM! Question about Gas Mileage?

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New member
Nov 28, 2012
I am very happy to have found this forum, I am looking forward to the advice of the experienced RVers!!!!!

I have a 2003 Monaco LaPalma Motorhome with a Gas Workhorse engine, what kind of gas mileage should I be getting?
Jogs my memory real deep in remembrance of a high rolling pal who pulled up in his new Class A pusher.  I was dumb enough to fall into his trap and axe the boy.,.What kinda mileage do you get?..He wittily replied..If you got to worry about it that means you cant afford it. He was  Put me right back in my place.  My 77 Leprachaun can get 8 miles a gallon all day long. Obamie might want to mandate some mileage improvements on those things. In fact I may just forward this message off to him.
UncleShiloh said:
Jogs my memory real deep in remembrance of a high rolling pal who pulled up in his new Class A pusher.  I was dumb enough to fall into his trap and axe the boy.,.What kinda mileage do you get?..He wittily replied..If you got to worry about it that means you cant afford it. He was  Put me right back in my place.  My 77 Leprachaun can get 8 miles a gallon all day long. Obamie might want to mandate some mileage improvements on those things. In fact I may just forward this message off to him.

The answer? 

55 mph!
Ok got it Now we also got to take into account them mean old type A's  who blow past us slow pokey legal folks running 90 or so. That just aint fair huh?
UncleShiloh said:
Ok got it Now we also got to take into account them mean old type A's  who blow past us slow pokey legal folks running 90 or so. That just aint fair huh?

Fair?  There is a motto that hangs on a plaque in both the garages of the car builders of NASCAR and Gran Prix racing and in highway patrol stations all over country:

Speed costs money.
Also heard speed can be hazardous to a person's health. Yall be careful out there.
Ahhh here ya go with killimeters huh? I flunked the conversion Guessing 90 KPH be about 60 in Americkan numbers? If so..sounds good to me.
To Uncle Shiloh: 9o KPH equals 55MPH. Are you to young or just don't come to Canada? Get yourself a passport and come on over we might be different EH but were OK.
UncleShiloh said:
Ahhh here ya go with killimeters huh? I flunked the conversion Guessing 90 KPH be about 60 in Americkan numbers? If so..sounds good to me.

Handy hint:

1 kph = 0.621371 mph.  For guesstimating, use 0.6 x KPH = MPH.  MPH/0.6 = KPH. 
Well the old basketball coach who taught Physics 101 to the dumb football players covered metrics in two sentences. He say a fly weighs about a gram and a flies turd weighs about a milligram.  He claimed that was all we would need to know about that stuff. Now I did use to have a plastic pencil holder with a wheel which converted that stuff but now I cant remember what went with it.

Canada eh? My first RV horror story starts on the border. Thats where the Mounties relieved my favorite Uncle from his Browning .32 pocket pistolo. They was in a class A and come in one end and planning to depart the far side so no sense to try to drive back to get it.  They never did mail it back to him or anything.  Not sure what a person supposed to do when a crazed polar bear charges or something. I hear the drunk eskimoe ladies can be rough Anyway me and my Sig .40 are inseparable companions for life. I dont think they would like us too well in Canada.

Welch? We had a Welch Pony. Small world.

Welch? We had a Welch Pony. Small world.

Different place, different continent, different spelling.

OTOH there is a Welsh pony, originally bred to haul coal out of the mines (aka pits) in the old country. Thus the original term  'pit pony'.
UncleShiloh said:
Canada eh? My first RV horror story starts on the border. Thats where the Mounties relieved my favorite Uncle from his Browning .32 pocket pistolo. They was in a class A and come in one end and planning to depart the far side so no sense to try to drive back to get it.  They never did mail it back to him or anything.  Not sure what a person supposed to do when a crazed polar bear charges ....

Polar bear?  32 pocket pistol?  One might try prayer.

.... Anyway me and my Sig .40 are inseparable companions for life. I dont think they would like us too well in Canada.

Not so.  The polar bears would consider you delicious
Hey Carl. Sounds plausible. Remember reading in Field and Stream magazine many moons ago that one of the biggest Kodiac bears ever killed up there was slain by an Indian lady with a single shot .22 rifle.  Now she may have had plenty of bullets on that deal. My theory is the .32 make Yogi keep his down down till a person could fetch the .416 Nirto Express from the camper. That should work eh?

Hey Tom..yeppers think it did have an S in it as opposed to a C. Little stocky brown and white girl horse. Do that sound like the same one?  Must have got it confused with the Grape juice. 

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