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New member
Jul 10, 2006
Cedar Creek Lake, Texas
This is first time to post to any forum. We have a 1988 31' Pacearrow with about 50K miles. Just returned to our home on Cedar Creek Lake about 50 miles from Dallas from a 3500 mile trip to PA. via KS. The trip was trouble free except for having a new set of front airbags installed in OK.City. This is the third set of bags since we bought the MH in 1996 at which time it still had the original GM bags. I suspect that I have not been keeping enough pressure in them. Camping World in OK. City filled them to 90PSI. I also have some serious delamination and warping of cargo doors and also had one of the cargo door hinges break. The hinges are made of some sort of " Bakelite' materil and are getting brittle and cracking.
Would like to hear from other owners of older Pacearrows.
Welcome to the forum.  My suggestion would be to check in the library and select a RV Salvage Supply dealer and call them.  They would know what is enterchangable with them.  Cloaw in Chaffee, Mo is the one I'm familar with  It's near Joplin. The do ship all over the country.  I know there are pleanty more places.  Hope this helps.

We also hang around Ceder Creek Lake part of the time.  Right now we are wishing for some rain so we don't have to put the boat on the trailer before it gets stuck on the dock.
If you are using up air bags like that, you should consider replacing the front coil springs with the type that does not need air bags inside the springs. They were designed and built by the RV suspension experts at Hendeson Line-up.  Supersteer P30 Coil Springs

90 psi is very, very high for your size rig. Only the largest capacity front axle needs anywhere near that much. I would bet 55-60 psi is plenty for yours. Excess inflation leads to a very rough ride.
Thanks for the advice . I have been running 60-65 lbs in the airbags ever since I bought the MH and like I said, they last about 15K. The ride seems about the same to me. My main concern is getting the bags to last longer.
The AIR LIFT website says to start at 100lbs and work down untill you find the G spot. I'll look into the other suggestions also.
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