New to Forum

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Aug 16, 2006
Livingston, TX
Have been curious about RV Forum and decided to join. Have heard lots about it, pros and cons. Cons is that some people get VERY opinionated and then other folks take their word as gospel! I find that amusing. I like to hear all sides of the story, keeps life interesting. We are native Texans and Escapees members. Have been on the road fulltime since 1998. We love the lifestyle and have made many wonderful RV friends. Can't wait to hear what ya'll have to say! ;D

Just about anything posted on any forum is opinion. However, you'll get lots of opinion here so you can make your own decisions ;D Overal, IMHO, this forum will supply you with the best advice without endless arguements about minutia. Welcome to the Forum and please join in in the fun ;)
TXRVGAl, welcome.  We just joined Escapes also, so don't know much about them other than what we read.  Have you done much with them? 
We plan on heading to TX. something around Feb or March.  Any hints on places to stay, we may be joining some friends in Crystal City.
I was raised in Odessa, TX.  We spend our winters in CO.
Hi TXRVGAl and welcome to our forum. Let's hope we can satisfy that curiosity, but hopefully you won't find us too opinionated  ;D
Welcome  to the RV Forum. Please look around, ask any questions you have, join in on any of the ongoing discussions, or start new discussions.  Thanks for Joining us.
TXRVGal said:
Have been curious about RV Forum and decided to join. Have heard lots about it, pros and cons. Cons is that some people get VERY opinionated and then other folks take their word as gospel! I find that amusing. I like to hear all sides of the story, keeps life interesting. We are native Texans and Escapees members. Have been on the road fulltime since 1998. We love the lifestyle and have made many wonderful RV friends. Can't wait to hear what ya'll have to say! ;D


Welcome to the forum. I'm not sure what people mean when they say we are opinonated. All of us have our own ideas of what is correct. Sometimes those ideas differ and at other times they agree. We cerainly are not of one opiinon but that's human nature. I'm sure you will find our responses to your questions are well thought out and should add to your knowledge of RVing. If not we have not done our job!! :) We do have many members who have been RVing for a long time and many are full timers. Such knowledge is often hard to come by. My wife and I have been full timing for almost 9 years. Many others have similar experiences.

I am sure you will find this forum to be very friendly and oriented to furthering one's knowledge of RVing. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. I'm sure you will receive many answers.

I can truely say we have more "real" friends on this forum than we ever had in over 30 years of living in a stick built house!!!

Welcome to the Forum. I think you'll find this a fun and knowledgable group with a variety of opinions.
Thanks for all the welcomes! Ya'll are a friendly and diversified group! I am in "nowhere" northern Canada for about 10 days so I will have to catch up when I can get e-mail again.
Keep it rollin'!

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