Hello, my name is Scott. Heard of this site and decided to join. Looks very informative. Hopefully I can help as well as getting help. I have an 06 Duramax LBZ and a 2011 palomino sabre 35ft fw. Bought her new about a year and a half ago and live in it full time. I erect wind farms all over the country so having my home on wheels is great. I have lived in the warmest of climates this year as well as the coldest from -30f to 120f! I can help with what I have done to stay warm and cool in a 30amp fw with one a/c and protect everything from freezing and heating up. I have experience with trailers but this is my first fw and also home. Ive learned alot and have done various upgrades. I do have a question that I will post in the appropriate section of tt and fw so if you can help great. Looking forward to being a part of this community!!