New topic - Photographic knowledge and tips

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2006
Great start, Tom!  I particularly like #1.  I knew the subject should be facing the sun, but the reverse of having the sun at my back just never occurred to me.  So simple!  And probably easier to do.


Admin edit: these messages were split from the referenced topic here.
A big thanks for starting this Tom.

Film is cheap

.... and digital files are cheaper. Might want to update that  ???
I learned that one in a college class on photography back in the 60s and it has always been my guiding principal. I have not bothered to take many shots because I could not get the sun behind me and the flash would not reach. But I don't like taking shots that I know will not come out right. The interesting thing is that I have been doing it that way for so long that it is totally automatic to me. I just watch my shadow and walk until the sun is in the right space. If I don't see my shadow I usually don't take the photo.
Ah, caught in my own joke or, as they say in Shakespearian terms, hoisted by my own petard  :-[

I hope a lot of other photographers will add their best suggestions and tips.

Me too; We have a lot of combined expert knowledge here.
And I modified my prior message to "Shakespearian" instead of "nautical".
Maybe you should consider making this thread a sticky?

Done! Thanks for the suggestion Tom; I'm not big on 'stickies', which is why I didn't think of it. But, in this case, it makes a lot of sense.
One question ...

Should folks be asking questions in this topic, or should it be kept to 'information provided' only? We can moderate it either way. Lots of questions & answers would tend to muddy the waters, so maybe they should be posted as separate topics?
I am not big on stickies either but in this case it just made a lot of sense to me.

I think it should be limited to knowledge and tips. I always think that if you have a question you should start a new thread. Thread are cheap.  ;D ;D ;D  You stand a better chance of getting knowledgeable people to see your question. When a question is buried deep in a thread very few people will see the question.
Right Tom, no disagreement. I went ahead and split this dialog out to its own topic to avoid muddying the main topic.
Just realized that your "original" message was actually a reply to a topic I started. So I split it out into its own topic here.
Maybe you should make the first post your own and mention that this is a thread for knowledge and tips only and that questions should be placed in their own thread. And mention that everyone is encouraged to add their favorite tips.
I made the new topic sticky and removed the Re: from the subject.
[quote author=Ned]I made the new topic sticky and removed the Re: from the subject.[/quote]

I'd already made it sticky, and you (inadvertently) un-stickied it. I set it back to sticky. "Re" got added back  ??? I fixed it. My subject line also lost "for beginners"; I fixed that too. Here's the cleaned up topic.

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