New truck and fifth wheel

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New member
Jan 20, 2013
Hi. My name is Bob and I am new to the forum. Am looking to buy a new truck and 5th wheel within the year. Am looking at a 331MKS Cougar and Ford P/U. Does anyone know if Ford has an adequate gasoline engine to handle such a trailer? Thanks for you help.
thats a pretty big unit to tow with a gas engine. i am sure they have one but the mileage would be expensive. i had a 3/4 ton ford that was gas and it  cost a fortune  just to drive it around empty. you might want to consider a diesel for a fifth wheel that big.
If the Ford's are anything like the Chevy's.  The gas gets about the same and/or better mileage.  With the 6 speed transmissions and the difference of 60 to 70 cents a gallon less for gas, I can live with a little less torque. 

My next one will be gas.
Welcome to the forum.  What are the GVWR of this trailer?  You have to remember that with a fifth wheel approx 20% of its loaded ready to travel weight will be placed directly over the trucks rear axle.  Since you dont have the trailer yet, a quick number will be 20% of the trailers GVWR as a good place to start.  Since you asked about Fords specifically the only gas motor they have for towing now is their what is it?  6.2 L.  I guess it is OK for towing in the flat lands or around  a 8000 load.  Anything bigger and your towing experiences will be less than enjoyable.
The decision rests on whether you intend to tow east of the Rockies or out here in the mountain and Pacific west.  The 2013 F250/350 Fords offer a gasser that will handle your trailer's 12100-lb GVWR.  Out west only the diesel will do the job. 

The critical element is altitude.  On the east side of the country, that Cougar wants a tow vehicle with a tow rating of 13,000 lbs.  That allows for truck loads beyond a 154-lb driver and fuel.

Out in the west with a gasoline engine, altitude lowers the output of unturbo-ed  gas engines by 3% of rated HP per 1000 feet.  The Cougar would need a gasoline-engined  truck with a tow rating of 14,520 lbs !

You really want a diesel with that big 5er.
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