New Verizon coverage map

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
I have had a hard time getting exact information on nation wide coverage with all the different plans Verizon has? ..? America Choice roam and no roam, National enahanced coverage, Vcast, broadband, extended, etc.

Finally found a Verizon page buried that does all this in detail.? You enter a zipcode or a city+state and it gives you color coded details for that area.? If I can believe the map, then Verizon covers Quartzite AR and Kalispell MT with National enhanced, two areas I have been concerned about.
I am certain about Kalispell.  It is clearly shown on the map there and my everyone in my wife's family except those living in Chester use Verizon.
That is good Veizon will work in Kalispel for you.  When you are at Sam's Camp you can access the forum via wireless to my Satellite connection.
I beieve you are east of Kalispell in Lewistown.  If so, Sam's camp would be a logical place for us to stop in July on our way out.
You are sure welcome to stop at Sam's Camp.  We have full 50 and 30 amp hookups satellite TV ready DTV or Dish and wireless satellite internet.  Activities include fishing, wildlife tours, and happy hour.
Smoky said:
We will keep you posted on our ETA.

Hi Smokey,

I can attest that the wildlife viewing in Lewistown is fabulous. The satellitie coverage is also good but the fishing is untested by me. It was much too windy to launch the boat. :)

Jim Dick said:
Smoky said:
We will keep you posted on our ETA.

Hi Smokey,

I can attest that the wildlife viewing in Lewistown is fabulous. The satellitie coverage is also good but the fishing is untested by me. It was much too windy to launch the boat. :)

That was unfortunate we couldn't get on the lake while you were there.  You may not have been able to catch any fish but you have eaten fish from that lake. ;D ;D

Hope you and Pat can make it by again sometime so we can get you on the lake.

As far as wildlife goes it is not uncommon to see more than 150 head of deer on one of our afternoon tours as some of the fraily can attest to.

Well, we did get on the lake once but it sure was windy. ;D We hope to get back that way someday. I may just have to quit my job so I can spend a few summers playing. Of course fuel prices will have to come down a lot before we can do much of that. :(

The fish do taste good!!!


Had some of those fish just last night.  Real tasty.  Hope you do make it back to Sam's Camp.  I'm sure there are some fish in that lake just waiting for you. ;D ;D

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