Built trailers for a while, back when I first got out of the service, when the earth was still cooling and doctors still smoked during an exam. Later got involved with all sorts of specialty construction and fabricating, including museum work, trade show exhibits, custom plane and bus interiors, to name but a few. Began looking at pushers and 5ers as a part of our second retirement and boy were we disappointed! Don't know how they sell the stuff that they do these days, but I honestly get sick just looking at it... and then a salesman opens his mouth. :
Yeah, nothing good to say about where most of the industry seems to have headed, especially one of he more aggressive sales groups that we encountered. Geez, there ain't nuthin' these people won't say or try to get away with. Good news if you're a used car salesman or a lawyer I suppose - you're no longer the worst of the worst.
Finally figured I could just as well build what I want cheaper and be happier in the end. These knuckleheads need to get their acts together, and I don't mean by focusing on doing more sales to drive shareholder equity. Hurts my heart to see so many folks that work hard for their money being preyed on by these locusts. It's like they just follow whatever bits of money are left that they haven't been able to steal. Not speaking of the fewexceptions, but rather anything that smacks of Wall Street, if ya get my drift.
Yeah, nothing good to say about where most of the industry seems to have headed, especially one of he more aggressive sales groups that we encountered. Geez, there ain't nuthin' these people won't say or try to get away with. Good news if you're a used car salesman or a lawyer I suppose - you're no longer the worst of the worst.
Finally figured I could just as well build what I want cheaper and be happier in the end. These knuckleheads need to get their acts together, and I don't mean by focusing on doing more sales to drive shareholder equity. Hurts my heart to see so many folks that work hard for their money being preyed on by these locusts. It's like they just follow whatever bits of money are left that they haven't been able to steal. Not speaking of the fewexceptions, but rather anything that smacks of Wall Street, if ya get my drift.