Newbie from Texas

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New member
Mar 1, 2013
Odessa, TX
    My wife and I just traded for a new Winnebago FWRES fifth wheel, and we love it!  Looking forward to enjoying this forum and learning more about our new home!  Our first trip with the new fifth wheel was last Monday from Odessa, TX to Alpine, TX, and the winds gusted to 60 mph during our trip!  Sometimes it was a direct crosswind.  I know, we should have stayed home, or stopped, looking back.  I could feel the wind torque on my GMC 2500 HD diesel of course, but never felt like there was a control issue. (I guess there was a possibility of a 'blowing over on its side' issue, however.)  Made it to the Lost Alaskan RV Park in Alpine.  Enjoying all the comforts of home in a very pleasant environment!
Congrats on the new rig!  Alpine / Ft. Davis area is really neat....good time now to go down to Big Bend area too.

I live in El Paso....very familiar with the wind.  You really should stay put when high winds are blowing.....they are very dangerous to pull an RV in.  Fifth wheels are inherently more stable than a conventional trailer, but they can still go over.....and take the truck with them.  Safety first....RVing is all about fun.

Enjoy the new fiver!
danewton said:
You are right.  I was really pushing the envelope on that trip!  Learned my lesson.

We've all done it before....and fortunately lived to tell about it.  I've seen some major carnage over the years, especially in the I-10 corridor through West Texas.  I'm a big believer in watching the weather reports now.  Here's a good example of what can happen....fortunately this one was at low speed....

{language warning....get the kids out of the room}

At any rate, hope you're having fun with the new RV! 

danewton said:
    My wife and I just traded for a new Winnebago FWRES fifth wheel, and we love it!  Looking forward to enjoying this forum and learning more about our new home!  Our first trip with the new fifth wheel was last Monday from Odessa, TX to Alpine, TX, and the winds gusted to 60 mph during our trip!  Sometimes it was a direct crosswind.  I know, we should have stayed home, or stopped, looking back.  I could feel the wind torque on my GMC 2500 HD diesel of course, but never felt like there was a control issue. (I guess there was a possibility of a 'blowing over on its side' issue, however.)  Made it to the Lost Alaskan RV Park in Alpine.  Enjoying all the comforts of home in a very pleasant environment!

Welcome to the forum have fun, heck I was raised out in Odessa w. 57th st of Andrews Hwy, then left in 1974. Go Broncos..
IM hoping to go down to Fort Davis.
That trailer looked like a 40plus feet park mobile home to me.
Be safe and have fun.

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