Newbie says hello from Boston

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Apr 9, 2019
Just North of Boston, MA
Upgrading from a hard sided pop-up circa 1991 To a 2008 Fleetwood  Providence 40X.  I'm sure I'll be looking for advice, and new places to go with my wife and two children.
Welcome to the RV Forum DirtyTj

That's a nice jump up. Hope you enjoy.

Feel free to ask questions anytime.
Still working on the purchase, the unit is in Texas (PPL Houston) I have had it inspected and will be flying out Friday to see it myself. Cautiously excited.
DirtyTj said:
I did not buy the unit I was looking at. I hired an inspector an did full fluids testing found out it had a bad motor. So I'm still looking.
Money well spent. Keep us posted, good luck with your search...
What part of Bean Town ?
I'm from Dorchester and my wife is from J.P.

Now six months in the NC  mountains and the other six in paradise (Key Largo)

Jack L
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