Newcomer from PA

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Feb 9, 2013
Hello all, newby here from PA. looking for our first camper. Just got our family / tow vehicle, a low mileage 2008 Explorer with the factory level 3/4 tow package. We are  looking at the large end popups and strongly considering the flagstaff 625D. 

Regards, Ed B.
Hi Ed... and welcome.

A good friend of mine has the same towing vehicle and has towed a popup with it for years (Sorry, I don't know how big it is). He has a family of four and they've really enjoyed it. I hope your plans work out for you, and make sure to ask whatever questions you may have.

Welcome Ed.  We are in PA also (near Erie) and not enjoying the winter very much.  If you provide some additional information, I think the smart people here will be able to help you.  What is the towing capabiity of your Explorer from the manual?  That will help decide what size trailer to get and what sort of hitch you would  need.  And when you are looking, remember to consider the trailer GROSS weight rating.  You will probably have it loaded to about that figure so you need to be able to tow that or a little less to make it more comfortable. 
Thanks for the welcome Guys!
John I'm on the other side of the state, Bucks County, near Allentown to be exact. I'm tired of the winter myself we got a little snow from the latest storm but nothing like you guys get out in Erie on a routine basis.
I believe the tow rating is 5400 with the tow package I have. I'm looking at 32~3400 loaded weight  so I should be in good shape.
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