Ninox database

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2008
Glendale, AZ
Anyone use Ninox database on the iPhone? I've been using File Maker Pro (Ver 4.0) for a lot of years, and have become comfortable with it, but would like to create some of the tables on my phone using Ninox. My problem is understanding the code technology. If you are a programmer, I would like to get some questions answered using amateur language. Thanks!
I see my post has had 43 views with no responses. That must mean no one is using Ninox database, so my question changes.
Do you use a database on your iPhone to track travels?
I document all my travel activities on my laptop using an old version of File Maker Pro, but would like to have the data on my iPhone. Obviously it does not readily export to the iOS system.
There are  pre-made travel tracking apps for the iPhone - perhaps one would meet your needs? A search for 'travel tracking app' turns up several.

Spreadsheets are often adaptable for that purpose as well. All depends on what kinds of data you want to store and your subsequent search needs.
Think I found one that will work, plus it interfaces with my Windows 10 desktop, and will import .CSV files. Just have to restart the learning curve.  :eek:

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