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My rv has standard residential romex. White for 14 guage and yellow for 12. Is that standard across all manufacturers? I dont think my last rv did but it has been a while and i cant remember.
While different coloring for 14 and 12 gauge wiring is certainly a good practice, especially in RV construction, there is no requirement for it in the NEC or RVIA specifications.
My rv has standard residential romex. White for 14 guage and yellow for 12. Is that standard across all manufacturers? I dont think my last rv did but it has been a while and i cant remember.
It's standard across Romex wire makers, so yes it should carry across to RVs that use Romex-type jacketed wiring. But as Dutch says, there is no requirement in the RVIA or NEC that color-coded Romex be used in RV construction.
While different coloring for 14 and 12 gauge wiring is certainly a good practice, especially in RV construction, there is no requirement for it in the NEC or RVIA specifications.

The basic reason for the different colors is so you can tell 'em apart at a glance. Else you need to read the label or measure the wire to know which size so it makes sense for the factory to order 114 Ga in White and 12 in Yellow.
I have some 12-2 and 10-2 in my house that are both white.
Probably from before the NEC designated different colors for different gauges.
Looks like more colors are coming:

New 3 Conductor Color Code in 2024

Romex has implemented a new color for all 3 conductor cables to distinguish between 2 and 3 conductor cables from a visual perspective. For example, Romex 14/2 remains white but 14/3 now comes in a blue jacket.

Blue Romex 14-3 cable

Romex 12/2 remains yellow but 12/3 is now purple.

Purple Romex 12-3 cable

Finally, Romex 10/2 remains orange but 10/3 is now pink.

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