Hint, click on your screen name in the upper right, select
signature and create a signature that contains the information about your RV including the EXACT model, ie
2002 Itasca Spirit 24F (Or 24V if that is what it is). Its actually a 324F or 324V but the 300 series is the Spirit, just like I had a Winnebago View 523H, but 23H was enough to get the point across, the 500 series is the View.
You can just download the bottom most link rather than the 12 individual links, however, the bottom link includes ALL year 2002 300 series Spirits and 400 series Minnies, and all floor plan variants, so you may not want that much info. In that is the case, download the 12 individual links to get all of the diagrams for your model only.
You didn't say whether you have a 24F or a 24V model. Here are ALL of the wiring diagrams for both models.
While I'm at it, here are the plumbing drawings...............
Pick your model, download ALL of the drawings, a dozen or so for the wiring diagrams, plus the plumbing, and save them on a thumb drive used for NO OTHER PURPOSE but these drawings and PDF's of manuals for appliances such as the water heater, furnace, etc. You never know when this stuff might just disappear off the internet. This is the value Winnebago adds to their product that, if you know what you are buying, makes it worth a little more.
Keep the thumb drive in the black Winnebago manuals pouch, it will always be there for your and future owners. Keep a copy on your desktop or laptop also.
Also, download this
Winnebago RV Parts and Accessories Catalog, as it can be immensely helpful in identifying parts by WBO part numbers.
Also, download the parts catalog appropriate to your coach model..........