All I can say is, all the well-intentioned, but grossly out-of-touch with reality politicians, who think that, with a wave of their wands, fossil-fueled vehicles can be imagined out of existence in the near future, have a rude shock awaiting them.
Their premise is that fossil-fueled vehicles are making our environment uninhabitable, when the reality is that they aren't, to any measurable extent. The other fatal flaw in their agenda is their belief that all the "renewable energy" sources are viable substitutes to fossil fuel, and they're not, by long shot, given technology now and in the foreseeable future.
Wind doesn't always blow, sun doesn't always shine. And HUGE amounts of fossil fuels are being consumed to even produce the batteries available for EVs, which are usable only in very light-duty applications. Over-the-road trucks? Transport aircraft? Seagoing ships? RVs? Ain't happenin'.
Ask yourself, why do the major manufacturers now have acres of EVs parked that their dealers can't sell? The answer is that people recognize they're not usable and no one wants them except those who want to make a statement that they're "saving the planet".
It's all smoke and mirrors, but such is the left, in its euphemistic agenda to create their utopia.