BruceinFL said:
Thanks you guys,
My pump is a ShurFlo diaphram pump. I will check the lines and the mounting.
Those new variale flow 5.7 gpm pumps are big bucks...are they worth it?
Remember my earlier reply where I said that the other kind of pump (Diaphram, I mispelled it though) works like a jack hammer?
Here is how they work.. The pump consists of a few basic parts.. There is a chamber, one wall of which is a flexable diaphram, and a pair of check (usually reed cause they are the smallest) valves.... There is a spring, a switch and an electromagnet.
When the pressure is low the diaphram extends into the chamber... The switch closes, the electromagnet pulls against the diaphram pulling it up against the spring and increasing the volume of the chamber,,, This pulls water out of the tank (I was going to say "Sucks" but alas, multiple meansings) When the diaphram has been pulled enough the switch opens and the magnet releases it. The spring is now free to push the water out the outlet... as it does so the volume of water in the chamber is reduced and the, Im' going to say Piston here cause it's easier to type. moves into the chamber... Closing the switch and causing the magnet to pull it out again.
Here is how a jackhammer works......
Air is injected into the cylinder, pushing the piston out against a spring... When the piston is far enough out the valves switch over and the air is allowed to escape to the outside (inlet is cut off here) causing the piston to retract back into the hammer and again switching the valve so that air again enters the chamber..
Same thing exactly but with air instead of water
So it's no wonder your pump sounds like a jackhammer.... IT IS a jackhammer