Noob saying hi

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Gooday folks,

I am investigating the possibility of getting an RV. I have in the past done the camping trailer bit and of course tenting. My most recent adventure was boating. I was out looking for an RV when a friend invited me out on his boat and of course that sold me. So I bought a 28 foot 6 sleeper, used it for a couple of years and then sold it before doing an international contract in Madagascar.

So I hope to use this forum as an educational source and will post up some questions under the Motorhomes section.

Looking forward to the chats and hopefully even meeting some of you on the road.

Welcome Paul and immediately your life seems more interesting than mine. You had me at madagascar!
gajd33 said:
Welcome Paul and immediately your life seems more interesting than mine. You had me at madagascar!
I'll bet he's never camped at Toad Suck, Arkansas.  But, welcome, Paul.

Madagascar sounds much better than Toad Suck, Arkansas! ;D ;D

Paul, Welcome to the forum. Be sure to check out our library and ask any question for which you need an answer!
Hi Paul,

My wife and I are still new to RVing (just started late last year), but we have two trips under our belt with our new class A 2011 Fleetwood Terra ts and had great times with both. Waiting for spring to hit the road again. We waited 12 years to make our choice (don't wast the time - go for it).

I will say that people on this forum are great and helpful to the max.

All the best!
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