Norcold fridge not responding

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Mar 28, 2012
Hi everyone. Since purchase of our used MH a few months back our Norcold fridge has refused to start. When I switch to "Auto" nothing happens. No signs of life. The gas cooker works, and both AC and 12vDC supplies seem to be OK. I have checked the fuse panel and everything looks OK. The MH is level.
What should be my next step?  Thanks for any advice.

Does the gas pilot have to be on in order for the fridge to work?
Someone who knows the correct term will be here shortly I hope, but there is a gizmo in the back of your fridge that automatically shuts it off if it gets too hot.  As I recall it has two leds, one red and one green (could be one more, I don't remember).  If the red light is glowing, your fridge has been shut off.  If the green is glowing, you have a different problem.
The model number of the fridge would be helpful. Is yours a pilot light model or a DSI model?? The model number will tell us that!!. Is the "gas cooker" the stove by any chance??? Which fuse panel have you checked?? There is usually a small one with 3 fuses hidden on the back of the fridge in a plastic box on many models....

Have the Norcold recalls been carried out?? Many (if not most) have outstanding recalls on them and several have experienced problems as a result of the parts added during that service  having failed.

More questions than answers, I know, but the info is needed in order to help!!
Hi alpha. I am not at the MH location for a few days (no internet access there yet), so I do not have access to the model number. Perhaps the following might help. The MH is a Ford Econoline 1986 and I believe the fridge is original. The control panel is a slider with AUTO position on the left, OFF position in the middle and GAS on the right.
The "gas cooker" is indeed the stove (sorry English caught me out LOL)
I checked the fuse panel which is located where the inverter panel is below the fridge itself. There are five 12v fuses all of which are good.
I did not know there was a rear fuse box. I will check at the weekend.
I have no way of knowing if any recalls have been made, unless there is a sticker or something recording the fact?
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.  I do think this sounds electrical.
No it does not seem "alive" at all. The little panel has no light showing, nor any internal light. thats why I suspect some sort of electrical problem.
Thanks for your interest, the mystery continues...
If there are no lights on the front panel, you have no 12v power to the fridge and NOTHING will work. Check at the back of the fridge, via the outside access panel, and you will probably see a couple fuses on the circuit board there. Also check the main wire that feeds 12v to the circuit board, to see if it has power. If not, the source fuse for that circuit may be blown.

Get the model number of the fridge and we can point you to a service manual for it.
Thanks Gary. sounds like a plan. will report back in a few days after my next visit.
OK back from a couple of days up at our MH. Hopefully with some answers to earlier questions.
First answer:  its model 662
Second answer: elecrical checks: J3 -J4 has 12vDC ok
I found an in-line fuse in the 12v circuit which is OK (I tested its continuity)
The rear of the fridge is a real birds nest. Masses of wires, connectors, probably the result of years of wiring repairs etc.
I located the 120vAC supply but could not find a fuse on that line, nor a fuse box.
Where do I go now? Thanks in advance for suggestions!!!

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