Norcold: SURPRISE!

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
Nancy opened the door on our Norcold 1200 the other night and got quite a surprise: the door fell off! And of course dumped the numerous items from the door shelves onto the tile floor, though fortunately nothing broke.

It turned out that the hinge pin in the bottom of the door is simply threaded into the support arm, just a couple threads in all. Apparently ours had worked loose of the tears & miles and just fell out. It was only a few minutes work to put everything back to rights and, of course, I made sure the other door pin was tight as well. Mike & Carline Wassing are parked next to us and have the same fridge, so Mike immediately tightened his as well.  My bottom hinge pin takes an 11 mm wrench, but Mike's has a slotted screw instead.

If you own this model of fridge, it might be worthwhile to check/tighten the lower hinge screws, "just in case".
Sounds like Norcold needs to go back to the drawing board!  Or at least hire a real design engineer.  There have been so many negative posts concerning Norcold products it is a wonder anybody is still using them.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Nancy opened the door on our Norcold 1200 the other night and got quite a surprise: the door fell off! And of course dumped the numerous items from the door shelves onto the tile floor, though fortunately nothing broke.

You guys are lucky she wasn't hurt.
My Norcold 982IM does the same thing.  It's never happened when loaded, but has done it twice now.  The first time I thought it was a fluke and just put the nylon/plastic/whatever screw back in and tightened it.  The second time, I thought "I sense a pattern here", so try to remember to periodically tighten it before it falls out.  I'm not sure if loctite would work on that type of material or not.
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