Not sure what happened but I may have messed up...already

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May 29, 2019
I wrote this once and lost it as i tried to post. It was too long anyway. So I'm going to try to post it again but in cliff notes mode. It goes as follows:
- Newbie. First time out. Leveling was....Ugh!
(Site was more of a hill that sloped sharply right and to the road) If Huntsville SP in TX, try not to get #034 and if you do, bring cinder blocks. 3 sets of stackers ain't gonna cut it y'all.
- Hook up to the water, there was a P reg there already
- Couldn't remove it even w channel locks
- Decided to use it (that'd be my first mistake, i thkn)
- Had half a tank of h2o from the dealership - checked gauge
- Water pump was in off
- Ran water for a minute or 2 b4 hooking rv hose to it.
- Hooked hose on spigot, primed it, hooked to RV
- Fastened to RV and turned the spigot to on slowly
- Immediately observed a whine from the installed P reg
- ( was this a warning flag i missed or is it normal?)
- Backed off on the flow and it subsided in a few minutes
- Kids inside confirmed sinks had good flow
- Soon heard a splattering sound on pavement.
- Discovered water coming from above & behind left rear wheel of RV
- Shut water off
- Checked fw tank gauge and said full.
- Turned h2o pump on, used from tank next 2 days.
- Sunday, tank empty late in day.
- Turned water back on - no whine this time.
- Shut off pumpkins Tank did not fill. Faucets had only a trickl
- There was no water falling to the pavement either
- 10 minutes in with no budge in gauge started troubleshooting
- took hose off and confirmed at spigot h20was flowing from campground source.
- put hose on spigot and ran for a little while. Turned off pump inside.
- Kept hose primed and attached to RV
- Turned on. No whine but could feel water going through the cnxn.
- No change in tank gauge at 10-15 min
- no flow to sinks; no water flowing to pavement...
- Repeated troubleshooting as described above
- never did restore water to trailer

Anyone know what i did wrong?
Kicking myself but not sure if it was me or the RV or both....looking for enlightenment...

There are valves to turn to fill the tank, use from the tank, winterize and use city water directly.  You probably have those in the wrong positions.
Unless I missed it...You may want to include Make and model of your RV.

Since you were able to fill your tank when you arrived but not later. I'm thinking stuck check valve at the fill point.

But I would also agree that the controls for filling/using and winterizing may be in the wrong position. So check that first.
I Also think the city water fill was set to "Fill tank" instead of "Use" that's the most common cause of the tank filling unexpectedly  Or set half way between the two.

IF you could not remove the regulator..  It was most likely a back flow preventer (Vacuum breaker) noise from these can be normal.

Now long was it.. A Cheap p-Regulator is about 3/4 inch in diamater perhaps 3-4 inches long and by the way is JUNK. a slightly nore expensive one has a plastic grip on the female end and is also JUNK.. A vacuum breaker is usually under 2 inches long and larger in diamater.. A check vlave about the same length as the Regulator but also larger in diamater.

A good pressure regulator.. Well try the Valterra Adjustable.. I highly recommend you have one.. Or .. Well I have some nice Watts and Zurin 3/4" jobs. these have large brass housings the top half looks like a bell. Very very good.
Yes, that was surely an ant-siphon valve on the park water spout. Totally unrelated to the rest of the story.

Agree with the others - water filled the fresh tank and overflowed. Tank fill valve open instead of in "Use" mode.
I'll bet he means connection. 

I am guessing you are already home.  If you have problems again, you might look around for someone who has a similar rig to yours and ask for help.  Most people in campgrounds are very willing to help newcomers. 

Also, you should list the year and model of your rig below your name so we can help you better.  Go into Profile at the top of the forum and then select Forum Profile and type in the information
Thank you everybody! You have given me a lot to go on when I get back to troubleshooting it this coming weekend.

The RV is a 2018 Cherokee Grey Wolf 26BHSE.
Nothing terribly special - no slides.

Will add to profile.

Bought it used but like-new. Water tank was half full when i took delivery. I had never filled it before. There is a port for "city water" and a separate port for tank fill... so i thought they would always be separate - wasn't expecting a valve to be involved. I have no idea where the valve is nor the check valve but it sounds like i will be getting to know them quite well in short order. I am a bit relieved to know its likely just that and not damage i caused.
Many (but not all) RVs have a valve that allows the fresh tank to be filled when a hose is connected to the city inlet. Very convenient.  Yours may or may not, but typically it will be close to the city inlet.  A photo of the water connections area might help us help you.

The other possibility is that the pump itself is bad, failed internally such that water runs backwards through the pump when it is off and little water flows forward when on.  Generally not difficult to replace.
Well, i have a call in to the dealership now that i am a bit more certain it wasn't something i was setting up incorrectly. With no manual to offer me, my hope is they will have time to talk to me at least. So if its a bad pump or chwck valve they will need to deal with it. I purchased the warranty.I normally don't do warranties, but when labor is $200 or more per hour, i figure over the course of 4 years I'm bound to use it. Their mechanic is supoosed to call me back today andcif i take it back in, it will be one night next week. Thanks for the advice. Everyone has been very helpful here.
Dontpedalit said:
Well, i have a call in to the dealership now that i am a bit more certain it wasn't something i was setting up incorrectly. With no manual to offer me, my hope is they will have time to talk to me at least.

Forest River has all of their Owners Manuals available online.  An interactive manual for the 2018 Cherokee Grey Wolf 26BHSE trailer is here:

Included in the Plumbing section of the manual is a short video showing how to fill the water tank from the pressurized connection if your trailer is so equipped:

Hope this helps!
Lou Schneider - thank you for the links ! Very helpful. I didn't see this before I took it back to the dealership yesterday. But no matter, it's not the only thing they need to look at this week. I came across other issues in the 2 weekends I have taken ot out. I will use these links to getmuch more familiar with my trailer. Much appreciated.
The repair has been made and I can pick up my RV now. They said that it was the water pump. The water pump normally prevents city water from filling the tank. But it allowed water by then blocked water flow altogether. It was an extended warranty repair.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
Many (but not all) RVs have a valve that allows the fresh tank to be filled when a hose is connected to the city inlet. Very convenient.  Yours may or may not, but typically it will be close to the city inlet.
Hmmmm I wonder if mine does. I found it very odd that to fill my tank, it's on the passenger side and to hook up to the campground is on the other side not near each other. I didn't realize they were separate until the spring when I was dewinterizing it and following directions in the manual.
On the way out the door, so just have a second and wanted to say we were also at Huntsville State Park Memorial day Sunday night, space 3, we were the only motorhome there.


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