Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador

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Saint Johns (SJ) to Port Aux Basques (PaB), via Grand Falls (GF)

Well - when it rains it certainly pours !!

2 days ago, I had a telephone call informing me that my mother had been rushed into hospital at 2am, with severe chest, back and stomach pains - 2 DAYS PREVIOUSLY !!

Thankfully, they quickly ruled out a heart attack and are now doing various tests - at least she is up and about and we've been assured she is not in any danger. It was her wish that nobody tell us as she didn't want us to worry, but you can imagine that we were absolutely furious that nobody had called.

It just shows our luck at the moment that Air Canada had from that day stopped their St Johns to London flights which could have got us home in under 5hrs. If we needed to rush back now, we would have to fly to Halifax first - apparantly an extra 4hrs onto the flight time.

I guess it's good that we were heading to the ferry anyway.

We stopped in Grand Falls (GF) for the slide-out motor to be fitted - and discovered, when the slide came out 3 inches along the Trans Canada Highway, that they hadn't set the brake lever on the motor.

We then stopped for diesel en-route to PaB and discovered the ferry we were due to get had broken down and that sailings had all been rescheduled. We managed to get onto the 9am crossing this morning.

Now, we are in the Arm of Gold CG in Nova Scotia. I feel we can make contact with the World again now we have wifi - our cell phone worked for 1 day in SJ and that was it. WiFi access in Newfoundland was severely lacking.

Whilst driving back from SJ, we even found most of the CGs had already closed for the season.

Hopefully, we can give you a more detailed account of our tour around Nova Scotia.

UK-RV said:
Saint Johns (SJ) to Port Aux Basques (PaB), via Grand Falls (GF)

Now, we are in the Arm of Gold CG in Nova Scotia. I feel we can make contact with the World again now we have wifi - our cell phone worked for 1 day in SJ and that was it. WiFi access in Newfoundland was severely lacking.


The ferry has a pretty good wi-fi connection, but only in the stewards' area. We found both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland also has a lot of places to go for access. On the sign boards coming into towns if there is an @ icon, the local library or job seeking agency would have access, many times wi-fi.

Hope your mother is doing well.
Sorry to hear about your mother Paul. I understand how frustrating the delayed phone call can be. One year I was visiting the kids in the mid west and happened to call the UK. That's when I found out my mother had fallen, broken her hip, and was already out of hospital after surgery. No phone call from anyone letting us know.
Thanks for the good wishes guys !!

"....The ferry has a pretty good wi-fi connection, but only in the stewards' area. We found both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland also has a lot of places to go for access. On the sign boards coming into towns if there is an @ icon, the local library or job seeking agency would have access, many times wi-fi...."

The ferry going over to Newfoundland had 2 computers, which accepted coins or c/cards. The ferry coming back had 3 computers - all of which had "out of service" notices. The leaflet for the ferry, did state wifi but I was expecting to use their computers, so left the laptop in the RV.

There is also a leaflet showing which towns (villages) had internet access, but trying to work out which wooden hut was the library etc was not an easy task.? ;D


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