November photos - New scooter - New camera

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA

Here is a link to my November photos. For the first two weeks I was in Zion and the last two weeks I was in Las Vegas. Bad weather all month and very cold so I didn't take a lot of images.

I did get me a scooter to be my toad. It is a 2011 50cc Taotao scooter. Cost me $480. The scooter carrier cost $50. So all total including helmet and straps it cost less than $600.

A bunch of these photos were taken with my new Pentax Optio WG-2 camera. It is a point and shoot that is waterproof to 40 feet, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof. I bought it for my up coming trip to Disney World and for my up coming cruises to the Caribbean where I will be doing some scuba diving. It is not as sharp as my DSLRs but it functions in locations I would never take my DSLRs.

There are a few photos at the end of the album to show some of the strange things this camera can do. You can add a frame, add text, crop, rotate or add filters. There are a few filter shots, Ink rubbing, B&W, and fisheye are some of my favorites.
OH, I totally have to get one of those scooter setups. Where did you get it, and the hitch mount?

mylo said:
OH, I totally have to get one of those scooter setups. Where did you get it, and the hitch mount?
I got the scooter from Craigslist. The carrier came from Amazon:

I did have to change the ramp. The ramp that comes with the scooter is too steep for me to use it by myself. If I was traveling with someone it would work. I bought a 6 foot piece of 2x8 and made my own ramp.
Awesome photos as usual!
Great idea: scooter as a toad.

Can't wait to see the scuba pix!
Thanks for the photos!  My favorites this month are the sunrise, the dew drops and the purple and yellow pansies.  The scooter looks really neat!

I was hoping to see a photo of Tom riding the scooter  ???
Tom said:
I was hoping to see a photo of Tom riding the scooter  ???
Tom- when Tom arrives here around the 20th- I'll take a photo of him riding his scooter- or my favorite- since I have 13 mature pecan trees- of him raking leaves ;D
A secret source told me that TomS has training wheels on order....they have been back-ordered.

  may have to wait a bit before pictures are posted.  ;D

Great photos! Really liked the dew drops! Congrats on your new camera. Looks like fun! Looking forward to the scub photos as well!

Thanks for posting your pictures, Tom.  With a couple of exceptions toward the end, they all are beautiful. :>)

Especially liked the Zion Tree Bark. -- and the scooter.  Glad to see you make that dream come true!

Be Safe!

Your pictures are unreal!!!! Amazing shots of everything!
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