Oil pressure gauge

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Sep 7, 2019
I have an 01 Cummings ISC. Oil pressure light and buzzer go off in the 15 seconds specified. The oil pressure gauge does not move. My tech says as long as the light and buzzer go off, I have oil pressure. How do I diag the guage.
Replace the gauge

Even though you probably have oil pressure, monitoring the pressure for any inconsistencies is very valuable.
In Cummins electronic diesels, the actual oil pressure typically is not a graduated value.  Cummins uses a sensor that register either "OK" or not.  The gauge is typically a fake, showing around midpoint on an analog gauge or 50-55 on a digital readout as long as the engine ECM signals "OK".  That suggests your gauge has failed.
The engine gauges are selected and installed by the chassis builder. For an '01 American Dream, that would be probably be Spartan Chassis. Contact them to help identify the part needed.

My '01 Miata has a similar oil gauge.  There is no idiot light for oil pressure, just an idiot gauge - good or no good.
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