Ok finally making an offer advise please

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2025
Clarington Ontario
You guys have all helped me so much through the shopping process with all the advise.
I've made my decision and will be emailing the salesman my offer.
The model is new but old (1000km) new 2023...but has sat around for 2.5 years.
I've looked at JD power and at used prices to decide on my offer.
They are already offering a 2k gas card and extended warranty and 2 years winterization.
Orientation of all workings
Out the door price no other fees including tax.

Is there anything else I should include or ask for in my offer?

Have you seen this RV in person? This may seem strange but have you acted as though you are actually using the kitchen, is everything situated the way you like it. Sit in the living area and imagine watching TV or reading a book. Imagine you have company. Sit on the toilet and stand in the shower. How is the bed situated? Is it a walk-around bed? Will it be easy to make. Lay on the bed. Is there adequate storage in the kitchen, bedroom and outside? Treat it as if you are buying a house. Once you buy it you have to live with everything you don’t like.
The gas card is helpful. The warranty and winterization maybe not so much.

Dont be afraid to negotiate hard on the price. If i paid what they were asking fot mine when they bought it ivwould be seriously unhappy with all the problems i have had. And mine is a luxury brand that is supposed to be far higher quality than normal.

Free tow service with unlimited mileage is probably one of the most valuable benefits but never heard of any dealer offering it. Dont be afraid to get creative. They threw in some teally nice upgrades like a morryde slide in my storage area and an electrical cord reel as part of the negotiation on mine
You guys have all helped me so much through the shopping process with all the advise.
I've made my decision and will be emailing the salesman my offer.
The model is new but old (1000km) new 2023...but has sat around for 2.5 years.
I've looked at JD power and at used prices to decide on my offer.
They are already offering a 2k gas card and extended warranty and 2 years winterization.
Orientation of all workings
Out the door price no other fees including tax.

Is there anything else I should include or ask for in my offer?

Assuming you have looked around and know for sure what you want (layout,etc..)

I always play hardball when making an offer but not in an offensive way. I always go in by making a low offer. It seems to be a common practice especially in the RV world especially depending on supply and demand. Others on the forum are more up to date regarding a buyers position at the moment than I am. Last I heard it was still a buyers market? You can always go up in ur offer or walk away. The winterization is only worth less that a couple of hundred (25 bucks if you do it yourself)! The gas is a nice bonus. However focus on the overall price of the deal.

How much longer is the extended warranty and does the place have a good track record of making good on their extended warranty? Some of these RV dealers are bad at making good on extended warranties. My sister has one on her 5th and has had very good luck with it. More than paid for her cost. Most likely you will use that warranty because things breakdown often on RVs.
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Have you seen this RV in person? This may seem strange but have you acted as though you are actually using the kitchen, is everything situated the way you like it. Sit in the living area and imagine watching TV or reading a book. Imagine you have company. Sit on the toilet and stand in the shower. How is the bed situated? Is it a walk-around bed? Will it be easy to make. Lay on the bed. Is there adequate storage in the kitchen, bedroom and outside? Treat it as if you are buying a house. Once you buy it you have to live with everything you don’t like.
Yes ..I've been there 4 times to see it.
This is the local dealer 10min away .
Yes ..I've been there 4 times to see it.
This is the local dealer 10min away .
If you are talking about Owasco...Be aware that they have less than stellar reputation in quite a few Ontario RV FB groups. I've never dealt with them, but consistently bad reviews regarding post sales issues are likely not coincidental.
Think of RV buying more like buying a house than buying a car, 2 years of roof leaking without being caught due to a factory defect can turn good RV into one ready to be taken to the scrap yard due to water penetration and rot, for that matter 2 months of leaking roof can do the same. I knew a guy with a 5th wheel this happened to a few years ago, he bought a 5th wheel that had been sitting on the lot for almost a year, 6 weeks later he discovered that the rear cap as not sealed right, and there was extensive rot behind his wall to wall entertainment center.
I'd be curious what they would sell it tor without the gas card, extended warranty and 2 years winterization. This way you'd get to their bottom line. Remember they will be making money on the warranty and winterization. This is my negotiation style and might not work you you.
Assuming you have looked around and know for sure what you want (layout,etc..)

I always play hardball when making an offer but not in an offensive way. I always go in by making a low offer. It seems to be a common practice especially in the RV world especially depending on supply and demand. Others on the forum are more up to date regarding a buyers position at the moment than I am. Last I heard it was still a buyers market? You can always go up in ur offer or walk away. The winterization is only worth less that a couple of hundred (25 bucks if you do it yourself)! The gas is a nice bonus. However focus on the overall price of the deal.

How longer is the extended warranty and does the place have a good track record of making good on their extended warranty? Some of these RV dealers are bad at making good on extended warranties. My sister has one on her 5th and has had very good luck with it. More than paid for her cost. Most likely you will use that warranty because things breakdown often on RVs.

If you are talking about Owasco...Be aware that they have less than stellar reputation in quite a few Ontario RV FB groups. I've never dealt with them, but consistently bad reviews regarding post sales issues are likely not coincidental.
Yes ...i know.......its bothering me so much.....my salesman is nice and acknowledges the online reviews (none about him...he apparently is great)....he's promised to ensure service gets me in properly etc but they all promise the sun moon stars....... the other dealers ive been too have similar complaints but are better..they are just out of province so im worried thats just as bad as Owasco's reviews to have my dealer far away.......I have my offer ready and i really hope im not making a mistake..i have it in writing that service will get me in a timely manner etc etc...what else can i do? Post sales issues seem to be everywhere these days.
I'd be curious what they would sell it tor without the gas card, extended warranty and 2 years winterization. This way you'd get to their bottom line. Remember they will be making money on the warranty and winterization. This is my negotiation style and might not work you you.
Im just going with my bottom line..not theirs...if its meant to be then they will accept..if not then ill go with the other one ive been considering.
Yes ...i know.......its bothering me so much.....my salesman is nice and acknowledges the online reviews (none about him...he apparently is great)....he's promised to ensure service gets me in properly etc but they all promise the sun moon stars....... the other dealers ive been too have similar complaints but are better..they are just out of province so im worried thats just as bad as Owasco's reviews to have my dealer far away.......I have my offer ready and i really hope im not making a mistake..i have it in writing that service will get me in a timely manner etc etc...what else can i do? Post sales issues seem to be everywhere these days.
If you aren’t sure, I would wait to make an offer until you are sure.
....my salesman is nice and acknowledges the online reviews (none about him...he apparently is great)...
That tells me that he is good at what he does, as sales people actually have training in how to get the potential customer to trust them. While not all sales people cheat and lie, most of them do. A sales manager once told me that the best sales people can tell customers to go to Hell in such a way that the look forward to the trip. I worked for 32 years in a service organization supporting commissioned sales and in that time I may have met 1 who would never lie to his customers. I'm not completely sure about the 1 but I never caught him at it. Sales commissions are designed to reward most the people sell for the most money and who move the junk that others are unable to sell. The system is designed to corrupt because if they don't make the sale then they don't get paid.
Have you seen this RV in person? This may seem strange but have you acted as though you are actually using the kitchen, is everything situated the way you like it. Sit in the living area and imagine watching TV or reading a book. Imagine you have company. Sit on the toilet and stand in the shower. How is the bed situated? Is it a walk-around bed? Will it be easy to make. Lay on the bed. Is there adequate storage in the kitchen, bedroom and outside? Treat it as if you are buying a house. Once you buy it you have to live with everything you don’t like.
Oldgator has made some excellent points!!!

I would add to not only visit this potential rig, but to take along a tape measure to make sure that queen bed is really 60" wide and 80" long. (Mine is 60" wide but only 68" long---very good thing that I am only 5' tall on a good day!!!

Don't know if you are short or tall, but there are issues with both. For example, sometimes tall people have to stick their knees out the bathroom door when sitting on the toilet, which can be embarrassing if you have company! They also might hit their head coming through the door or not be able to pull the driver's seat far enough back while driving. Can they stand in the shower??? (My shower is on a platform, which means my 6'3" grown son cannot fit in it.)

ON the other hand, we short people fit in the bed and on toilets, but often cannot reach lights in the ceiling. I am getting too old for the hopping up and down to turn a light in the ceiling on!! I turned down a super deal on a Class A because in order to reach the pedals from the drivers seat, I had to pull the seat so far forward, the steering wheel was jammed in my stomach. Also could not reach sun visors while in driver's seat because of short arms.

Also, make sure you check things out with any slides in and out. For example, can you walk from the front to the back with the slides closed? (Mine is a tight fit, but I can squeeze past if I hold my stomach in. If I were a few pounds heavier, it would be painful.) Can you open the refrigerator door while the slides are in? Access the bathroom?

Good advice is to also take a friend who can help you identify problems. You might be so enamored of this cute, little house that you miss things, so find someone who can look for the things you miss.
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