Ok, they need a work camper.

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
Lecanto, Florida
I was traveling west from central Florida, heading to California. I stopped for the night in the Florida panhandle. It was $30.00 and on a beautiful river. It was only about 50% full. I mentioned it in the forum. About 6 months later I was taking the same trip. I stopped, they were full of full time campers. It's now $50.00 a night, $350.00 per month and they are looking for work campers. I think I'll keep quiet about my stopover in Ga.
May depend on time of year and wether the snowbirds have descended...around Fort Myers it's the same thing... peaceful (kinda) town without much traffic until November/December. That's when "seasonal" rates kick in and vacancies disappear.

... And @Tileman is correct - talking about the gold rush back in the day inundated CA and other areas very quickly. Finding a sweet campground is gold to most of us!
I keep my best camping spots a secret. But, I will say, Camp Hosting is a fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of a campground or an RV park without costing anything. But, I've landed into some very unconventional camp hosting opportunities that most folks wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. But the rewards are personal growth, learning new things, a sense of belonging, and the personal satisfaction I'm contributing to something that's just a little bit bigger than just ME.
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