Well-known member
My wife and I have strongly considered a motor home in recent years but bailed on the idea, at least until retirement, a few years away. Then we got back into morocyclying in the last two years, loving it, and since we already have a big 1999 Ford dual F-350, thought a fifth wheel toyhauler would be great, since the longer trips on the bike aren?t all that comfortable for her on her bike and this would enable some longer trips like that. So we went out yesterday and were really liked the last 2018 model this one dealer had, with an attractive price, and spent a few hours looking, but then found out that our ?big truck? is lacking a little in the towing capacity. We?re now looking at re-doing the rear-axle gear ratios to possibly remedy that situation. (And no, I know nothing about gear ratios.) We?ll see how that goes! If that doesn?t pan out, we have to consider plans B, C and D, I guess, or maybe do nothing at all for a few years. Anyway we?ll be gathering all the info we can here, in the meantime, on All Things Fifth Wheel. Looks like an immense wealth of info here, of course!