Older age and Higher Quality

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
Well the title surely stirred some curiosity so here's the question. How many miles per year is too many for a DP.

Been looking at used DP from 2005 to 2009 with quite a variance in miles traveled per year. Is 45,000miles on a 2006 unit too many? How about 65,000 miles on a 2005 unit? I have seen some 2006 with only 8,000 miles which seems like it set more than moved, Is that good?

I was hoping to get a higher quality DP by going to a older model that's in my budget, used same method , and it worked pretty well, when I found my wife. I value your replies. Will be making a purchase soon I hope.
If you are talking DP,s then they like to be worked. Diesels don't usually get broken in till about 40K.  Anything under 200K for a diesel is usually just normal mileage. 

Look at the floor plan, and maintenance records if available, then make your decision. 
huntnski said:
Well the title surely stirred some curiosity so here's the question. How many miles per year is too many for a DP.

Been looking at used DP from 2005 to 2009 with quite a variance in miles traveled per year. Is 45,000miles on a 2006 unit too many? How about 65,000 miles on a 2005 unit? I have seen some 2006 with only 8,000 miles which seems like it set more than moved, Is that good?

I was hoping to get a higher quality DP by going to a older model that's in my budget, used same method , and it worked pretty well, when I found my wife. I value your replies. Will be making a purchase soon I hope.

Wow I thought you were looking at older  DP .We bought our 96 Safari Serengeti 3126 Cat  in 2010.It had just rolled 50,000 miles. We have put 15,000 miles on it since not one problem(fingers crossed) yet.
I have changed to tran-synd in tranny and vacuumed brake fluid to change, flushed anti freeze replaced with Cat elc . Any thing I could do that I wasn't sure had been done as I bought from 3rd owner who only owned it less than 1 yr. I believe the original owner took very good care of it. That and  regular oil changes and fuel filters . 
While the diesel engine block and pistons are fine for 250-500k miles (and probably even more), other engine components still get old and worm well before that. Alternators, fuel pumps, hydraulic pumps, etc. can and usually do fail much earlier.

That said, I would not consider any year 2000 or later RV, gas or diesel, to be "old" at anything under 100k miles. Assuming reasonable maintenance, of course. Modern engines and trannies are quite robust and most RVs don't get used all that hard anyway. Lack of maintenance is a more likely source of trouble than miles or age.
huntnski said:
Well the title surely stirred some curiosity so here's the question. How many miles per year is too many for a DP.

Been looking at used DP from 2005 to 2009 with quite a variance in miles traveled per year. Is 45,000miles on a 2006 unit too many? How about 65,000 miles on a 2005 unit? I have seen some 2006 with only 8,000 miles which seems like it set more than moved, Is that good?

I was hoping to get a higher quality DP by going to a older model that's in my budget, used same method , and it worked pretty well, when I found my wife. I value your replies. Will be making a purchase soon I hope.
I like your wife story! Too funny.You are on the right track for sure.You can easly buy a 2006-7-8-9 Diesel pusher in the higher end  at under 40K miles for 225K and down.I bought a 2008 40ft 4 slide fiully loaded allegro bus with 5000 miles on it as a repo for 185K(eg) models to look for country coach,monaco dynasty,beaver contessa etc
11 Years ago we did what you propose.  Buy older but higher quality for our first RV.

We think we made the right decision since we still own that rig even though it has no slides and a small 300 hp engine for its 31,000 lbs.

The rig had 26,000 miles on the 7 year old chassis or about 4,000 miles per year.  It now has 90,000 miles or 5,000 miles per year average.

Given the high rate of depreciation and common availability of bigger engines and multiple slides your decision should be even easier. 

Buy the last one first.

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