At the risk I jinxing myself, I think I may have finally solved my ongoing issues. I am updating my posts listed below in one and I hope final post regarding these issues.
I took my MH a fair and honest gentlemen who thoroughly went through the MH and found that my solenoid, although working, was not working properly, and the electrical connections to the solenoid were corroded and not always making contact.
The solenoid was replaced and now everything, knock on wood, is working as it should.
The jacks are working as they should, the MH powers up immediately when using shore power, even the AC thermostat is working, not stuck on the mysterious zone 3 (I only have 2 AC units).,60293.msg555749.html#msg555749,57040.msg531272.html#msg531272,56948.msg526575.html#msg526575
I took my MH a fair and honest gentlemen who thoroughly went through the MH and found that my solenoid, although working, was not working properly, and the electrical connections to the solenoid were corroded and not always making contact.
The solenoid was replaced and now everything, knock on wood, is working as it should.
The jacks are working as they should, the MH powers up immediately when using shore power, even the AC thermostat is working, not stuck on the mysterious zone 3 (I only have 2 AC units).,60293.msg555749.html#msg555749,57040.msg531272.html#msg531272,56948.msg526575.html#msg526575