Onan 4000 Genset Circuit Breaker Issue

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New member
Dec 24, 2018
I am working on my dad's motorhome.  He has an Oman 4000 genset.  Genset starts and runs GREAT...the unit pops the 30 amp cb, (on the unit), and (with the genset not electrically connected to the coach).  Seems like a weak cb, all research says that this is not likely.  It does thow a code no. 13.  Does not make since if the genset is not connected to the coach.  Any and all suggestions are welcome! 
Merry Christmas to all!!!!! 
Please explain further about "not connected to coach".  Does the coach normally plug into the genset (manually) or does it have an auto-transfer switch. Or is the wiring from the genset physically disconnected form its normal place?

It's rare but certainly possible that the Onan wiring has an internal short. The code 13 is consistent with that. Onan op guide only recommends that the load be reduced, but that's because Onan will never recommend an operator start digging inside the genset, which would be necessary for further diagnosis.  That is considered unsafe unless one has some electrical skills and knowledge of gensets.  Without some idea of your skills, I would have to suggest it needs an Onan-qualfied tech to fix it.

You could replace the breaker, but that's a shot in the dark. With zero external load, even a "weak" breaker isn't going to trip.  The good news is that the tripping means the fault is somewhere phsycially after the breaker, which narrows it down.
It is a manual connect, no transfer.  I will research some wiring diagrams to see if it is an issue that I can fix. 
I REALLY appreciate your input!!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!!!!!
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